Page 477 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 477

Remote signalling contact                    Surge protective devices (SPDs)
          A  remote  signalling  contact  allows  easy  remote  monitoring   Surge protective devices mainly consist of voltage-dependent
          and indication of the operating state of the device. It features   resistors (varistors, suppressor diodes) and / or spark gaps (dis-
          a three-pole terminal in the form of a floating changeover con-  charge  paths).  Surge  protective  devices  are  used  to  protect
          tact. This contact can be used as break and / or make contact   other electrical equipment and installations against inadmis-
          and can thus be easily integrated in the building control sys-  sibly high surges and / or to establish equipotential bonding.
          tem, controller of the switchgear cabinet, etc.  Surge protective devices are categorised:

          Response time t A                            a) according to their use into:
          Response times mainly characterise the response performance
          of individual protection elements used in arresters. Depending   ¨  Surge  protective  devices  for  power  supply  installations
          on the rate of rise du/dt of the impulse voltage or di/dt of the   and devices (Red/Line product family) for nominal voltage
          impulse current, the response times may vary within certain   ranges up to 1000 V
          limits.                                         – according to EN 61643-11:2012 into type 1 / 2 / 3 SPDs
                                                          – according to IEC 61643-11:2011 into class I / II / III SPDs
          Return loss
          In high-frequency applications, the return loss refers to how   ¨  Surge protective devices for information technology instal-
          many parts of the “leading“ wave are reflected at the protec-  lations and devices (Yellow/Line product family)  for pro-
          tive device (surge point). This is a direct measure of how well   tecting modern electronic equipment in telecommunica-
          a protective device is attuned to the characteristic impedance   tions and signalling networks with nominal voltages up to
          of the system.                                 1000 V a.c. (effective value) and 1500 V d.c. against the
                                                         indirect and direct effects of lightning strikes and other
          SCI technology                                 transients.
          Direct currents (d.c.) flow on the generator      – according to IEC 61643-21:2009 and EN 61643-21: 2010.
          side of a PV system.  The surge protective   ¨  Isolating spark gaps for earth-termination systems or equi-
          devices used on the generator side can be      potential bonding (Red/Line product family)
          overloaded due to different scenarios (e.g.
          impulse load, insulation faults) and must not   ¨  Surge  protective  devices  for use in photovoltaic  systems
          endanger the PV system. However, insufficient d.c. disconnec-  (Red/Line product family) for nominal voltage ranges up to
          tion capability in a PV system may cause fire. Conventional   1500 V
          surge arresters only feature a disconnector in the form of a      – according to EN 50539-11:2013 into type 1 / 2 SPDs
          simple break contact mechanism which is typically used for
          a.c. devices. Due to the lacking zero crossing of the d.c. source,   b) according to their impulse current discharge
          a d.c. arc may persist and cause fire. The SCI technology pat-   capacity and protective effect into:
          ented by DEHN + SÖHNE with active arc extinction is an ideal   ¨  Lightning current arresters / coordinated lightning current
          solution. In case of overload, a contact is opened and a short-  arresters for protecting installations and equipment against
          circuit is generated (Short Circuit). Thus, a possible switching   interference resulting from direct or nearby lightning strikes
          arc is actively, quickly and safely extinguished. The PV fuse   (installed at the boundaries between LPZ 0 A  and 1).
          integrated in the short-circuit path immediately trips after the
          arc has been extinguished and ensures safe electrical isolation   ¨  Surge arresters for protecting installations, equipment and
          (Interruption). Thus, all PV arresters from DEHN + SÖHNE com-  terminal devices against remote lightning strikes, switching
          bine surge protection, fire protection and personal protection   overvoltages as well as electrostatic discharges (installed
          in a single device.                            at the boundaries downstream of LPZ 0 B ).
                                                       ¨  Combined arresters for protecting installations, equipment
          Series resistance                              and terminal devices against interference resulting from di-
          Resistance in the direction of the signal flow between the in-  rect or nearby lightning strikes (installed at the boundaries
          put and output of an arrester.                 between LPZ 0 A  and 1 as well as 0 A  and 2).

          Shield attenuation                           Technical data of surge protective devices
          Relation of the power fed into a coaxial cable to the power   The technical data of surge protective devices include informa-
          radiated by the cable through the phase conductor.  tion on their conditions of use according to their:

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