Page 475 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 475

C. Terms and definitions

          actiVsense                                   Degree of protection
          The actiVsense technology is integrated in universal combined   The IP degree of protection corresponds to the protection cat-
          arresters for protecting information technology installations   egories described in IEC 60529.
          and devices. The arrester automatically detects the signal volt-
          age applied and optimally adapts the voltage protection level   Disconnecting time t a
          to it. Thus, the arrester can be universally used for different   The disconnecting time is the time passing until the automatic
          interfaces and provides maximum protection for the devices   disconnection from power supply in case of a failure of the
          and system circuits connected to it in case of failure.  circuit or equipment to be protected. The disconnecting time is
                                                       an application-specific value resulting from the intensity of the
          Breaking capacity, follow current extinguishing    fault current and the characteristics of the protective device.
          capability I fi
          The breaking capacity is the uninfluenced (prospective) r.m.s.   Energy coordination of SPDs
          value of the mains follow current which can automatically be   Energy coordination is the selective and coordinated interac-
          extinguished by the surge protective device when connecting   tion of cascaded protection elements (= SPDs) of an overall
          U C  . It can be proven in an operating duty test according to    lightning and surge protection concept. This means that the
          EN 61643-11.                                 total load of the lightning impulse current is split between the
                                                       SPDs according to their energy carrying capability. If energy co-
          Categories according to IEC 61643-21:2009    ordination is not possible, downstream SPDs are insufficiently
          A number of impulse voltages and impulse currents are de-  relieved by the upstream SPDs since the upstream SPDs oper-
          scribed in IEC 61643-21:2009 for testing the current carrying   ate too late, insufficiently or not at all. Consequently, down-
          capability and voltage limitation of impulse interference. Ta-  stream SPDs as well as terminal equipment to be protected
          ble 3 of this standard lists these into categories and provides   may be destroyed. CLC/TS 61643-12:2010 describes how to
          preferred values. In Table 2 of the IEC 61643-22 standard the   verify energy coordination. Spark-gap-based type 1 SPDs offer
                                                       considerable advantages due to their voltage-switching char-
          sources of transients are assigned to the different impulse   acteristic (see WAVE BREAKER FUNCTION).
          categories according to the decoupling mechanism. Category
          C2 includes inductive coupling (surges), category D1 galvanic   Frequency range
          coupling (lightning currents). The relevant category is specified   The frequency range represents the transmission range or cut-
          in the technical data. DEHN + SÖHNE surge protective devices   off frequency of an arrester depending on the described at-
          surpass the values in the specified categories. Therefore, the   tenuation characteristics.
          exact value for the impulse current carrying capability is in-
          dicated by the nominal discharge current (8/20 μs) and the   Insertion loss
          lightning impulse current (10/350 μs).       With a given frequency, the insertion loss of a surge protec-
                                                       tive device is defined by the relation of the voltage value at
          Combination wave                             the place of installation before and after installing the surge
          A  combination  wave  is  generated  by  a  hybrid  generator   protective device. Unless otherwise indicated, the value refers
          (1.2/50 μs, 8/20 μs) with a fictitious impedance of 2 Ω. The   to a 50 Ω system.
          open-circuit voltage of this generator is referred to as U OC  . U OC
          is a preferred indicator for type 3 arresters since only these   Integrated backup fuse
          arresters may be tested with a combination wave (according   According to the product standard for SPDs,
          to EN 61643-11).                             overcurrent   protective   devices / backup
                                                       fuses must be used. This, however, requires
          Cut-off frequency f G                        additional space in the distribution board,
          The cut-off frequency defines the frequency-dependent behav-  additional cable lengths, which should
          iour of an arrester. The cut-off frequency is equivalent to the   be as short as possible according to IEC 60364-5-53, ad-
          frequency which induces an insertion loss (a E ) of 3 dB under   ditional installation time (and costs) and dimensioning of
          certain test conditions (see EN 61643-21:2010). Unless other-  the fuse. A fuse integrated in the arrester ideally suited for
          wise indicated, this value refers to a 50 Ω system.  the impulse currents involved eliminates all these disadvan-

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