Page 52 - Arc Guard System - TVOC-2
P. 52


          List of error codes
          The error codes and description of the codes are
          discussed in the following list:

               This is not a complete error code list!
               This list only shows some of the most simple
               error codes in which the user may be able to
               take actions on their own.

          Table 1  List of error codes
          Error code     Description                            Recommended actions
          0 0 0 2 0 0    DIP switch settings are changed        Set settings back as it was before, after a while the System Error
                         during run-time.                       pop-up window will disappear and the IRF will be energized again.
          0 72 0 0 0 0   CSU-2 21:                              Check that optional cable from CSU-2 is not damaged or crushed.
          0 80 0 0 0 0   CSU-2 22:                              Check current level setting if setting is too low, then CSU-2 is
                                                                indicating overcurrent too long time period. Increase level and
                         1.   Optional cable is damaged.
                                                                see that you get light from CSU-2, if no light from CSU-2 then LED
                         2.   Overcurrent longer than 10s.      at CSU-2 is damaged. If none of this then detector input at Arc
                         3.   Detector input damage at Arc Monitor.  Monitor is corrupt.
                         4.   LED at CSU-2 is damaged.
          2 0 0 0 0 0    CSU-2 21:                              CSU-2 should be replaced due to degenerated LED at CSU-2.
          4 0 0 0 0 0    CSU-2 22:
                         Degenerated LED at CSU-2. The CSU-2 LED
                         degeneration will only be tested by a manual
                         Diagnostic Test (2.2 Perform Diagnostics) made
                         from HMI. CSU-2 LED degeneration will not be
                         tested by periodically diagnostics.
          8 0 0 0 0 0    Failure to communicate with the HMI.   Make sure the HMI is connected properly. Re-run diagnostics
                                                                through the HMI menu and if the error code still occurs, make a
                                                                factory reset.
          32 0 0 0 0 0   Long light detection.                  A light detector has detected light during more than 10s. Can
                                                                the light detector have been damaged or is there constantly light
                                                                leaking into the cabinet.
          0 0 2 0 0 0    X2                                     Check if the Extension modules can have switched places or one
          0 1 0 0 0 0    X3                                     have been replaced.
          0 1 2 0 0 0    X2 & X3
                         ID value of connected module does not correspond
                         to the setup, i.e. the wrong extension module is
          0 2 0 0 0 0    X3                                     Check the that the extension module is connected correctly
          0 0 4 0 0 0    X2
                         No contact with extension module.
          0 1 0 0 0 0    X3 present, is not the correct module. Extension   Check if the Extension module can have switched places.
                         module can have been switched. Wrong ID of
                         Extension module, X2 and X3 can have been
          0 2 0 0 0 0    No contact with X3, module can have dropped off.  Check the Extension module.
          64 0 0 0 0 0   Mismatch between configured setup and the actual   Make sure the DIP switches are configured correctly
                         setup.                                 Try rebooting the device or make a factory reset.
          64 72 0 2 0 0  The error code indicates changed DIP switch   Check the dip switch setting and then power ON/OFF and follow
                         configuration after setup.             instruction on screen.
                                                                Other indication on this error is no light from the CSU.
          0 0 0 8 0 0    Internal software issue.               Please re-run diagnostics through the HMI menu and if the error
                                                                code still occurs, make a factory reset.
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