Page 53 - Arc Guard System - TVOC-2
P. 53


          16 0 0 0 6 136  The error indicates ”illegal trip matrix”  Please check the DIP switch setting.
                                                                The only allowed DIP switch setting is as shown in the catalog:
                                                                The setting
                                                                SW1   SW2   SW3   SW4
                                                                   0         0         1        1      (0= OFF, 1= ON )

                                                                This setting not allowed and gives
                                                                the error code 16 0 0 0 6 136.
          0 0 0 64 0 0   Error code 0-0-0-64-0-0 indicates bad connection to   If the TvOC-2 has an extension, please power off, remove
                         Extension unit X2.                     extension and check the connector pins on the base unit.
                                                                The connector pins shall be straight and aligned. Mount the
                                                                extension unit and power on. This should help.
          0 32 0 0 0 0   One or more X2 or X3 sensors has an ambient light   Press down button on System error popup twice or see menu
                         warning                                2.5 Ambient Light status for information on which sensor(s) has
                                                                warning. Check ambient light level by the lens with warning
          0 0 0 0 1 0    One or more X2 or X3 sensors are faulty  Press down button on System error popup or see menu 2.4 Sensor
                                                                status for information on which sensor(s) is faulty
                                                                Follow test sequence in chapter 7.4

          7.4    Faulty detector (for TVOC-2-E6-S)

          If the TvOC-2 unit indicates a faulty detector the arc
          detection functionality may be compromised. To identify
          if the error is present in the detector or the extension
          module follow these steps:

          1.     Read out which detector input that indicates a
                 fault on the HMI.
          2.     Remove the detector in the faulty input.
          3.     Replace the detector removed in step 2 with any
                 of the working detectors or dummy plugs in the
                 same extension module
          4.     Wait 40 seconds
          5.     Look at the most recent error message in the HMI.
                 a. If the error remains on the same detector
                 input as in step 1 there is an error with the
                 extension module.

                 b. If the error follows the detector from step 2
                 to a new detector input then the detector is faulty
                 and should be replaced.
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