Page 50 - Arc Guard System - TVOC-2
P. 50


          7.1    Introduction                                 Error Log
                                                              During diagnostics the error events are logged in the Error
          This chapter describes how to handle errors in the system   Log. In the Error Log the error events are represented
          and what measures to take. That includes the handling   by error messages. Each message includes a code that
          error log, list of error codes and how to contact ABB.
                                                              gives information about the specific occurred event and
                                                              the time stamp it occurred. The log is a circular buffer. It
          7.2    Requirements                                 stores 6 error events. The oldest will be overwritten.

                                                              Error indication
          Troubleshooting should be done by authorized personnel
          who are familiar with the Arc Guard System, the setup as   When a system error occurs the HMI display a notification
          well as the environment where it is located.        window.
          Troubleshooting should take into consideration:     • System Error
          •  History, including events just before an arc.
                                                              • Error code.
          •  Situation, circumstances when an arc occurred.
                                                              • Time and Date.
          •  Environment, temperature, vibrations, power supply,
            electrical/magnetic disturbances.
          •  How an arc is indicated and nature of its occurrence.
                                                                                 2.1 System status
          •  The different Arc Guard System™ modules and                    System OK
            all connections.                                                Diagnostics performed
          Handling Error log                                                15:09 28-Feb-2009
          This section presents diagnostics and describes how to
          handle the error log. It includes view logs and error codes.
          The Arc Guard Systems is often operated without any                                        1SFC170011M0201
          personnel present. The error logging function is a way to   Figure 57
          store information about past events for future reference   System status
          in order to facilitate trouble shooting. Performing
          diagnostics is a check on the system status and its   The error codes are written in 6 columns. Every column
          error events.                                       can show a number between 0 - 255. (Figure 55)
                                                              See: “List of error codes” on page 52.
          7.3    Errors
                                                              Press down arrow to display Sensor status.
          Error event                                         The status of all inputs of the extension boards (E6-S)
                                                              are displayed with “1” indicating OK and “0”
          An error event indicates an error in the system. Example of
          error events is:                                    indicating FAIL,
          •  Overcurrent for a long time period.
          •  Optical detectors that detect light for a long   Following are displayed:
            time period.
                                                              •  X2: “Status message”
          •  DIP switch is changed physically while Arc Monitor   •  X3: “Status message”
            is powered.
                                                              •  Time and Date.
          •  HMI display has lost contact and can not communicate
            with Arc Monitor.

          •  Disconnected supervised detector.
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