Page 74 - Sace Emax 2 Catalogue
P. 74
Synchrocheck logics
Emax 2 is able to analyze voltage waveforms from different power sources.
Purpose Application examples
Thanks to its advanced electronics, Emax 2 is the Synchrocheck logics and protection are useful in
first smart unit able to island the Microgrid from the following plant-engineering situations:
disturbances such as in the presence of faults or • During the Microgrid reconnection to the main
power quality events and reconnect it to the dis- grid, speeding up the paralleling procedure be-
tribution network, when there are the right condi- tween two systems with different steady
tions. states. This scenario comes after the islanding
Synchrocheck logics operate the ANSI 25A, with Microgrid operation.
additional automatic re-closing capabilities • When there is the closed transition of an auto-
based on the synchronism status detection. matic transfer switch, the main grid should be
connected to the same busbar with the backup
Using the Ekip Synchrocheck cartridge module, Microgrid generation in order to guarantee con-
Emax 2 monitors the voltage amplitude, the fre- tinuos load operation, with or without a bus-tie
quencies and the phase displacement and real- switching device.
izes simple logics to adapt the Microgrid voltage • Besides Microgrid cases, it is possible to adopt
and frequency to the main grid ones. This regula- this solution also for single GenSet paralleling
tion based on up and down signals sent to the lo- operation.
cal generator controllers can be realized by Ekip
Signalling contacts in order to reach synchroniza-
tion. The circuit breaker automatically recloses
when it understands that the synchronism is
achieved using Ekip Synchrocheck and the inte-
grated closing coil.
As an alternative, Ekip Synchrocheck can send an
indication signal of synchronism achieved.
The cartridge module plugged-into Emax 2 works
in dead or live busbsar mode, even with auto-
matic check.