Page 16 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 16

2.1  Lightning discharge and lightning       ground underneath the thundercloud (e.g. plants) and is trans-
           current curves                           ported upwards by the wind.
                                                    If the space charge densities, which happen to be present
       Every year, an average of around 1.5 million lightning strikes   in  a  thundercloud,  produce  local  field  strengths  of  several
       discharges over Germany. For an area of 357,042 km  this   100 kV/m, leader discharges are formed which initiate a light-
       corresponds to an average flash density of 4.2 lightning dis-  ning discharge. Cloud-to-cloud flashes result in charge neu-
       charges per square kilometre and year. The actual flash density,   tralisation between positive and negative cloud charge centres
       however, depends to a large extent on geographic conditions.   and do not directly strike objects on the ground in the process.
       An initial overview can be obtained from the flash density map   The lightning electromagnetic  impulses (LEMP) they radiate
       contained in Figure The higher the sub-division of   must be taken into consideration, however, because they en-
       the flash density map, the more accurate the information it   danger electrical and electronic systems.
       provides about the actual lightning frequency in the area un-  Flashes to earth lead to a neutralisation of charge between the
       der consideration.                           cloud charges and the electrostatic charges on the ground. We
       Using the BLIDS (lightning information service by Siemens)   distinguish between two types of lightning flashes to earth:
       lightning detection system, it is now possible to locate light-  ¨  Downward flash (cloud-to-earth flash)
       ning within 200 m in Germany. For this purpose, 145 measur-  ¨  Upward flash (earth-to-cloud flash)
       ing stations are spread throughout Europe. They are synchro-
       nised by means of the highly accurate time signal of the global   In case of downward flashes, leader discharges pointing to-
       positioning system (GPS). The measuring stations record the   wards the ground guide the lightning discharge from the cloud
       time the electromagnetic wave produced by the lightning dis-  to the earth. Such discharges usually occur in flat terrain and
       charge arrives at the receiver. The point of strike is calculated   near low buildings. Cloud-to-earth flashes can be recognised
       from the differences in the times of arrival of the electromag-  by the branching (Figure 2.1.1) which is directed to earth.
       netic wave recorded by the various receivers and the corre-  The most common type of lightning is a negative downward
       sponding differences in the times it takes the electromagnetic   flash where a leader filled with negative cloud charge pushes
       wave to travel from the location of the lightning discharge to   its way from the thundercloud to earth (Figure 2.1.2). This
       the receivers. The data determined in this way are filed cen-  leader propagates as a stepped leader with a speed of around
       trally and made available to the user in form of various pack-
       ages. Further information on this service can be obtained from (German website).
       Thunderstorms come into existence when warm air masses
       containing  sufficient  moisture  are  transported  to  great  alti-
       tudes. This transport can occur in a number of ways. In the case
       of heat thunderstorms, the ground is heated up locally by in-
       tense insolation. The layers of air near the ground heat up and
       rise. For frontal thunderstorms, the invasion of a cold air front
       causes cooler air to be pushed below the warm air, forcing it
       to rise. Orographic thunderstorms are caused when warm air
       near the ground is lifted up as it crosses rising ground. Ad-
       ditional physical effects further increase the vertical upsurge
       of the air masses. This forms updraught channels with vertical
       speeds of up to 100 km/h, which create towering cumulonim-
       bus clouds with typical heights of 5 to 12 km and diameters
       of 5 to 10 km.
       Electrostatic charge separation processes, e.g. friction and
       sputtering, are responsible for charging water droplets and
       particles of ice in the cloud.
       Positively charged particles accumulate in the upper part and
       negatively charged particles in the lower part of the thunder-
       cloud. In addition, there is again a small positive charge centre
       at the bottom of the cloud. This originates from the corona
       discharge which emanates from sharp-pointed objects on the   Figure 2.1.1  Downward flash (cloud-to-earth flash)

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