Page 181 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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Moreover, supplementary protective equipotential bonding   6.2  Equipotential bonding for power
          must be used for installations or installation parts of IT sys-  supply systems
          tems with insulation monitoring.
          Supplementary protective equipotential bonding is also re-  Equipotential bonding for low-voltage consumer’s installa-
          quired if the environmental conditions in special installations   tions as part of the internal lightning protection represents an
          or parts thereof present a particular risk.  extension of the protective equipotential bonding (previously:
          The IEC 60364 series Part 7 draws attention to supplementary   main  equipotential  bonding)  according  to  IEC  60364-4-41
          protective equipotential bonding for special operating areas,   (HD 60364-4-41) (Figure 6.1.1).
          rooms and installations.                     In addition to all conductive systems, the feeder cables of the
          These are, for example,                      low-voltage consumer’s installation are also integrated in the
          ¨  IEC 60364-7-701 (HD 60364-7-701) Locations containing a   equipotential bonding system. A special feature of this equi-
            bath or shower (no longer generally required)  potential bonding system is the fact that connection to the
                                                       equipotential bonding system is only possible via adequate
          ¨  IEC 60364-7-702 (HD IEC 60364-7-702) Basins of swim-  surge protective devices.  The requirements made on such
            ming pools and other water basins          surge protective devices are described in more detail in sec-
          ¨  IEC 60364-7-705 (HD 60364-7-705) Agricultural and horti-  tion 7 and Annexes C and D of the IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4)
            cultural premises                          standard.
                                                       Analogous to the equipotential bonding for metal installations
          Minimum  cross-sections  for the supplementary  protective   (see chapter 6.1), equipotential bonding for the feeder cables
          bonding copper conductor of 2.5 mm  (in case of protected   of the low-voltage consumer’s installation should also be es-
          installation) and 4 mm  (in case of unprotected installation)   tablished directly at the entry point into the object. The re-
          are required.                                quirements governing the installation of the surge protective
          The difference to the protective equipotential bonding consists   devices upstream of the meter of the low-voltage consumer’s
          in the fact that the cross-sections of the conductors can be   installation (main power supply system) are described in the
          chosen to be smaller and this supplementary protective equi-  guideline published by the German VDN (Association of Ger-
          potential bonding can be limited to a particular location.  man Network Operators) “Surge Protective Devices Type 1 –
                                                       Guideline for the use of surge protective devices (SPDs) Type 1
                                                       in main power supply systems” (see chapter 7.5.2 and 8.1)
          6.1.1  Minimum cross-section for equipotential   (Figures 6.2.1 and 6.2.2).
               bonding conductors according to
               IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)
                                                        Class of LPS  Material      Cross-section
          The cross-sections of conductors used for lightning protection                 2
          purposes must be dimensioned for high stress since these con-  Copper     16 mm
          ductors must be capable of carrying lightning currents. There-  I to IV  Aluminium  25 mm 2
          fore, they must have larger cross-sections.                 Steel         50 mm 2

          Irrespective of the class of LPS, the minimum cross-sections   Table  Minimum dimensions of conductors connecting dif-
          according to Table must be used for connecting equi-  ferent equipotential bonding bars with one another
          potential bonding bars with one another and to the earth-  or with the earth-termination system (according to
          termination system.                                    IEC 62305-3 (EN62305-3), Table 8)
          The minimum cross-sections of equipotential bonding conduc-
          tors, which allow to connect internal metal installations to the
          equipotential bonding bar, can be smaller since only low par-  Class of LPS  Material  Cross-section
          tial lightning currents flow through these conductors (Table   Copper     6 mm 2

                                                        I to IV       Aluminium     10 mm 2
          Note: If standards provide different information on the mini-  Steel      16 mm 2
          mum cross-sections of conductors, the cross-sections stated in   Table  Minimum dimensions of conductors connecting inter-
          IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) must be used for lightning protec-  nal metal installations to the equipotential bonding
          tion purposes.                                         bar (according to IEC 62305-3 (EN62305-3), Table 9)

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