Page 182 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 182

6.3  Equipotential bonding for informa-
                                                         tion technology systems

                                                    Lightning equipotential bonding requires that all metal con-
                                                    ductive parts such as cable cores and shields at the entrance
                                                    point into the building be integrated in the equipotential
                                                    bonding system so as to cause as little impedance as possible.
                                                    Examples of such parts include antenna lines (Figure 6.3.1),
                                                    tele communication lines with metal conductors and also opti-
                                                    cal fibre installations with metal elements. The lines are con-
                                                    nected with the help of lightning current carrying elements (ar-
                                                    resters and shield terminals). An adequate place of installation
                                                    is the point where the cabling extending beyond the building
                                                    transfers to cabling inside the building. Both the arresters and
                                                    the shield terminals must be chosen according to the lightning
                                                    current parameters to be expected.
                                                    In order to minimise induction loops within buildings, the fol-
                                                    lowing additional steps are recommended:
                                                    ¨  Cables and metal pipes should enter the building at the
                                                       same location
                                                    ¨  Power and data lines should be laid spatially close, but
       Figure 6.2.1  DEHNbloc M for installation in conformity with the   ¨  Unnecessarily long cables should be prevented by laying
               lightning protection zone concept at the boundaries
               from 0 A  – 1                           lines directly

                                                                     α α

                                                                        isolated air-termination system
                                                                        with HVI Conductor

                                                                                      bare down
                                                         230 V~                       conductor
                                                         230 V~

       Figure 6.2.2  DEHNventil combined arrester for installation in con-  Figure 6.3.1  Lightning equipotential bonding with an isolated air-ter-
               formity with the lightning protection zone concept at   mination system and a HVI Conductor for professional an-
               the boundaries from 0 A  – 2                  tenna installations according to IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3)

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