Page 183 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 183

Antenna systems                              tric strength of the cable can be determined from the transfer
          For reasons concerning radio communication, antenna systems   impedance, the length of the antenna line and the amplitude
          are generally mounted in an exposed location. Therefore, they   of the lightning current.
          are more affected by lightning currents and surges, especially
          in the event of a direct lightning strike. In Germany they must   According to the latest IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) lightning
          be integrated in the equipotential bonding system according   protection standard, antenna systems on buildings can be pro-
          to DIN VDE 0855-300 (German standard) and must reduce the   tected by means of
          risk of being affected by means of their design (cable struc-  ¨  Air-termination rods
          ture, connectors and fittings) or suitable additional measures.   ¨  Elevated wires
          Antenna elements that are connected to an antenna feeder
          and cannot be connected directly to the equipotential bonding   ¨  Or spanned cables.
          system for functional reasons should be protected by lightning   In each case, the separation distance s must be maintained.
          current carrying arresters.
          Expressed simply, it can be assumed that 50 % of the direct   The electrical isolation of the lightning protection system from
          lightning current flows away via the shields of all antenna   conductive parts of the building structure (metal structural
          lines. If an antenna system is dimensioned for lightning cur-  parts,  reinforcement  etc.)  and  the  isolation  of  the  lightning
          rents up to 100 kA (10/350 μs) (lightning protection level (LPL)   protection system from electrical lines in the building prevent
          III), the lightning current splits so that 50 kA flow through   partial  lightning  currents  from entering  control and  supply
          the earthing conductor and 50 kA via the shields of all an-  lines and thus prevent that sensitive electrical and electronic
          tenna  cables.  Antenna  systems  which  are  not  capable  of   devices are affected or destroyed (Figures 6.3.1 and 6.3.2).
          carrying lightning currents must therefore be equipped with
          air-termination systems in whose protected volume the anten-  Optical fibre installations
          nas are located. When choosing a suitable cable, the relevant   Optical fibre installations with metal elements can normally be
          partial lightning current ratio must be determined for each   divided into the following types:
          antenna line sharing the down conductor. The required dielec-  ¨  Cables with metal-free core, but with metal sheath (e.g.
                                                         metal vapour barrier) or metal supporting elements
                             α  α   feed point         ¨  Cables with metal elements in the core and with metal
                air-termination tip                      sheath or metal supporting elements
                                  connecting plate     ¨  Cables with metal elements in the core, but without metal
                        sealing                          sheath.
                      end range
              connection to the   EB connection element  For all types of cable with metal elements, the minimum peak
              equipotential                            value of the lightning  current, which adversely  affects the
              bonding system                           transmission characteristics of the optical fibre cables, must
                                  supporting tube
                                                       be determined. Cables which are capable of carrying lightning
                                  insulated down conductor   currents must be chosen and the metal elements must be con-
                                  (HVI Conductor I)
                    antenna                            nected to the equipotential bonding bar either directly or via
                                                       an SPD.
                                                       ¨  Metal sheath: Connection by means of shield terminals e.g.
            s = 0.75 m in air
            s = 1.5 m in brickwork    earth connection   shield terminal at the entrance point into the building
            s = separation distance                    ¨  Metal core: Connection by means of an earthing clamp e.g.
                                                         protective conductor terminal near the splice box
                                                       ¨  Prevention of equalising currents: Indirect connection via a
                                                         spark gap e.g. DEHNgap CS, BLITZDUCTOR XT with indirect
                                                         shield earthing (Figure 6.3.3)
            equipotential bonding system   earth-termination   Telecommunication lines
            to the base transceiver station  system
                                                       Telecommunication lines with metal conductors typically con-
          Figure 6.3.2  Isolated installation of a lightning protection system   sist of cables with balanced or coaxial stranding elements of
                  and a mobile phone antenna           the following types:

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