Page 190 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 190

The requirements for the inner zones must be defined accord-  ary is formed by the shielding measures. The implementation
       ing to the dielectric strength of the electrical and electronic   of the lightning protection zone concept is an important pre-
       systems to be protected.                     requisite for safe and undisturbed operation.
       Equipotential bonding must be established at the boundary of   To ensure the required availability of the installation, a lot of
       each inner zone for all incoming metal parts and supply lines   information (e.g. on the use of the building, earth-termination
       either directly or by means of suitable SPDs. The zone bound-  system, electrical installation, computer system) must be col-

 LPZ 0 A                                 LPZ 0  A

                  LPZ 0  B                                      LPZ 0 B
                                    LPZ 2                                         LPZ 2

                    LPZ 2                          LPZ 1         LPZ 2                          LPZ 1
                                                                                    LPZ 0  B

                                                                   LPZ 3

             LPZ 2             LPZ 1                       LPZ 2

                            LPZ 1                                        LPZ 1

                      LPZ 2                                        LPZ 2
           MEB                                          MEB

       Figure 7.1.2b  Lightning protection zone concept according to IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4)

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