Page 192 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 192

7.3  Calculation of the magnetic shield      for the electrical installation to be protected, the calculations
           attenuation of building / room           must be performed with the maximum value of the current of
                                                    the first positive stroke (i f/max ) and of the first negative stroke
           shields                                  (i fn/max ) and with the maximum value of the current of the sub-

       Lightning  currents  and  the  associated  electromagnetic  field   sequent strokes (i s/max ) according to the lightning protection
       represent the primary source of interference for devices and   level (LPL) given in Table 3 of the IEC 62305-1 (EN 62305-1)
       installations requiring protection in an object. Figure 7.3.1   standard.
       shows the principle of how grid structures work. The calculation   The shielding effect of grid-like shields in the event of direct
       bases, which are described in the IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4)     lightning strikes can be calculated using the formula shown
       standard, are based on assumptions and assessments.  The   in Figures 7.3.2a and b. This consideration is based on the
       complex  distribution  of  the  magnetic  field  inside  grid-like   fact that the lightning current can be injected at any point of
       shields is determined in a first approximation. The formulas for   the roof.
       determining the magnetic field are based on numerical calcu-
       lations of the magnetic field. The calculation takes into account   When calculating the safety distances, the following must be
       the magnetic field coupling of each rod in the grid-like shield   considered in addition to the information provided in the latest
       with all other rods including the simulated lightning channel.   IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4) standard:
       To  consider  whether  the  effect  of  the  electromagnetic  field   Internal electronic systems may only be installed within a safe-
       of the first stroke or of the subsequent stroke is more critical   ty volume with a safety distance from the shield of the LPZ. The

            High field strength, large magnetic fields /  Lower partial currents, reduced magnetic fields /
            induction voltages close to the down conductor  induction voltages in the building

       Figure 7.3.1  Reduction of the magnetic field by means of grid-like shields

                                                                                          i o
                                       w                                            w
                                                                      d r
                          d r
                                                                  d w
                                                                     H 2
                      d w

         H   k i O  m  [A/m]  i o  = lightning current in LPZ 0 A
                 d   d
                  W   r
       Figure 7.3.2a  Magnetic field in case of a direct lightning strike in   Figure 7.3.2b  Magnetic field strength in case of a direct lightning
                LPZ 1 (LEMP), IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4)        strike in LPZ 2

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