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lected and centrally evaluated for a comprehensive overall   The costs of LEMP protection measures for existing structures
          protection system.                           are usually higher than those for new structures. If, however,
                                                       the LPZs are chosen appropriately and existing installations
          Figures 7.1.2a and b show examples of how to implement   are used or upgraded, costs can be reduced.
          the measures described for the lightning protection zone con-  If a risk analysis in accordance with IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2)
          cept.                                        shows that LEMP protection measures are required, this can
                                                       only be achieved if:
                                                       ¨  The measures are planned by a lightning protection special-
          7.2  SPM management                            ist having sound knowledge of EMC,
          For new structures, optimum protection of electronic systems   ¨  There is close coordination between the building and LEMP
          with a minimum of expenses can only be achieved if the elec-  experts (e.g. civil and electrical engineers) and
          tronic systems are designed together with the building and be-  ¨  The management plan according to Table 7.2.1 (subclause
          fore its construction. In this way, building components such as   9.2 of IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4)) is observed.
          the reinforcement, metal girders and metal buttresses can be   A final risk analysis must prove that the residual risk is less
          integrated in the LEMP protection management.  than the tolerable risk.

                                                                    Action to be taken by
          Step            Aim
                                                                    (if relevant)
                          Assessing the necessity of an LEMP protection measures sys-     b)
          Initial risk analysis  a)  tem. If necessary, an appropriate LEMP Protection Measures   • Lightning protection specialist
                          System (LPMS) must be chosen based on a risk assessment.  • Owner
                          The cost / benefit ratio of the protection measures chosen
                          should be optimised again by a risk assessment. The follow-  • Lightning protection specialist  b)
          Final risk analysis  a)  ing must be determined:          • Owner
                          • Lightning protection level (LPL) and lightning parameters
                          • LPZs and their boundaries
                          Definition of the LPMS:
                          • Spatial shielding measures              • Lightning protection specialist  b)
          Design of the LEMP   • Equipotential bonding networks     • Owner
          Protection Measures  • Earth-termination systems          • Architect
          System (LPMS)   • Conductor routing  and shielding        • Designer of internal systems
                          • Shielding of incoming supply lines      • Designer of relevant installations
                          • SPD system
                          • General drawings and descriptions
          Design of the LPMS  • Preparation of tender lists         • Engineering office or equivalent
                          • Detailed drawings and schedules for installation
                                                                    • Lightning protection specialist  b)
          Installation    • Quality of the installation             • Installer of the LPMS
          and inspection    • Documentation                         • Engineering office
          of the LPMS     • Possible revision of the detailed drawings
                                                                    • Supervisor
          Acceptance      Inspection and documentation of the system  • Independent lightning protection expert  b)
          of the LPMS                                               • Supervisor
                                                                    • Lightning protection specialist  b)
          Periodic inspections  Ensuring an appropriate LPMS
                                                                    • Supervisor
          a)  see IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2)
          b)  with a broad knowledge of EMC and knowledge of installation practices
          Table 7.2.1  SPM management plan for new buildings and for comprehensive changes to the construction or use of buildings according to
                  IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4)

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