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previous definitions of these safety distances d s/1  and d s/2  were   k I  w
          often incorrectly assigned to LPZ 1 and LPZ 2.     H       =   h  f /max  m  in A/m
                                                               1/f /max
          d s/1     Safety distance in case of a spatial shield of LPZ 1 if   d w (  d r)
               lightning  current  flows  into  this  spatial  shield  (The
               spatial shield of LPZ 1 produces a magnetic field. In   ¨  Caused by the first negative stroke:
               this case, no shielding factor can be assigned:
               ¨  Only in case of a direct lightning strike (S1) to the   k I     w
                 shield of LPZ 1.)                          H        =   h  fn/max  m  in A/m
          d s/2     Safety distance in case of spatial shields if no lightning   1/fn/max  d w (  d r)
               current flows into these spatial shields (the shielding
               factor defines the attenuation of H n  to H n+1 ):
                                                       ¨  Caused by the subsequent strokes:
               ¨  Applies to all spatial shields of LPZ 1 or higher in
                 case of nearby lightning strikes (S2)                  k I      w
               or                                            H       =   h  s/max  m  in A/m
               ¨  Applies to all internal spatial shields of LPZ 2 or     d w (  d r)
                 higher in case of direct lightning strikes (S1) or
                 nearby lightning strikes.             where
          Therefore, Germany suggested editorial changes for the future   I f/max    is  the  maximum  value  of  the  first  positive  stroke
          revision of the EN 62305-4 lightning protection standard. The   current in accordance with the LPL in A;
          following new designations should be used in the future:
                                                       I fn/max   is  the  maximum  value  of  the  first  negative  stroke
          ¨  d s/1  becomes d DF  in case of direct lightning strikes to the   current in accordance with the LPL in A;
            shield of LPZ 1;
          ¨  d s/2  becomes d SF  when using the shielding factor SF.  I s/max    is the maximum value of the subsequent stroke
                                                             currents in accordance with the LPL in A.
          Consequently, the formulas for calculating the safety distances
          must be adapted accordingly.                 Note:  The  magnetic  field  is  reduced  by  a  factor  of  2  if  a
                                                       meshed equipotential bonding network in accordance with 5.2
          Calculation of the magnetic field strength in case of   of the IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4) standard is installed.
          a direct lightning strike
          The magnetic field strength H 1  at a certain point in LPZ 1 is   These values of the magnetic field are only valid in the safety
          calculated as follows:
                                                       volume V s  inside the grid-like shield with a safety distance d s/1
                         k I w                         from the shield (Figure 7.3.3):
                   H =    h   0  m   in A/m
                     1                                               w   SF
                          d w (  d r)                         d   =   m
                                                                s/1           for SF  10 in m
          d r    is the shortest distance between the point considered   d  = w  for SF < 10 in m
               and the roof of the shielded LPZ 1 in m;           s/1    m
          d w    is the shortest distance between the point considered   where
               and the wall of the shielded LPZ 1 in m;
                                                       SF    is the shielding factor in dB determined using the
          I 0    is the lightning current in LPZ 0 A  in A;  equations in Table 7.3.1;
          k h    is the configuration factor, typically k h  = 0.01 in 1/√m;  w m    is the mesh size of the grid-like shield in m.
          w m    is the mesh size of the grid-like shield of LPZ 1 in m.
                                                       Note: Experimental results of the magnetic field inside a grid-
          The result of this formula is the maximum value of the mag-  like shield around LPZ 1 show that the magnetic field strength
          netic field in LPZ 1 (observe notes 1 and 2):  close to the shield is less than that resulting from the equa-
          ¨  Caused by the first positive stroke:      tions above.

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