Page 195 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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without shield:
              field of the                                  field of the
              lightning         H      i o  [A/m]          lightning                H     i o
              channel             0  2 S                   channel                   0   2 S
                                         a                                                  a
                                                                                    with shield:
                           H 0
                                                                        H 0  H 1          H
                                                                                    H       0
                           s a                                         s a           1   10 SF /20
          Figure 7.3.4  Magnetic field in case of a nearby lightning strike   Figure 7.3.5  Magnetic field in case of a nearby lightning strike
                  (LEMP), IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4)              (LEMP), IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4)

          ¨  Caused by the subsequent strokes:
                             H                                    a         5    2
                  H       =    0/s/max  in A/m                                               1
                    1/s/max    SF/20
          These magnetic field values are only valid for a safety volume    3            9
          V s  inside the grid-like shield with a safety distance d s/2  from the   a  b
          shield (Figure 7.3.3).                                                         6
                  d   = w SF/20  for SF  10 in m
                   s/2    m                                                 7

                   d   = w    for SF < 10 in m
                    s/2    m                                                             9
          SF   is the shielding factor determined using the equations
               in Table 7.3.1 in dB;
          w m    is the mesh size of the grid-like shield in m.                10
          For more detailed information on the calculation of the mag-  1  Conductor of the air-termination system
          netic field strength inside grid-like shields in case of nearby   2  Metal capping of the roof parapet
          lightning strikes, see A.4.3 of the IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4)   3  Steel reinforcing rods
          standard.                                       4  Meshed grid superimposed on the reinforcement
                                                          5  Connection to the grid
          The values calculated for the magnetic field are valid for the   6  Connection for internal equipotential bonding bar
          safety volume V s  inside grid-like shields, which are defined by   7  Connection by welding or clamping
          the safety distance d s/…  (Figure 7.3.3).      8  Any connection
          This safety volume takes into account the maximum values of   9  Steel reinforcement in concrete (with superimposed
          the magnetic field strength directly at the grid structure which   meshed grid)
          are  insufficiently  considered  in  the  approximation  formula.   10  Ring earth electrode (if any)
          Information technology devices may only be installed in this   11  Foundation earth electrode
          volume V s  .                                   a  Typical distance of 5 m in the superimposed meshed grid
                                                          b  Typical distance of 1 m for connecting this grid to the
          The calculation basis for the shielding effect of grid-like shields   reinforcement
          in case of nearby lightning strikes is described in  Figures   (typical dimensions: a ≤ 5 m, b ≤ 1 m)
          7.3.4 and 7.3.5.
          Figure 7.3.4 shows the formation of an electromagnetic   Figure 7.3.6  Use of the reinforcing rods of a structure for shielding
          field in the form of a plane wave whose reduction of the field   and equipotential bonding

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