Page 188 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 188

7.1  Lightning protection zone concept       to large integral zones which can encompass the whole
                                                    building. Depending on the lightning threat, inner and outer
       Electrical and electronic systems, which are sensitive to high-  lightning protection zones are defined in the IEC 62305-4
       energy temporary overvoltage resulting from the lightning   (EN 62305-4) standard.
       discharge,  are  rapidly becoming common in practically all
       areas of residential and functional buildings in the form of   Outer zones:
       building management, telecommunications, control and
       security systems. The owner / operator places very high de-  LPZ 0   Zone where the threat is due to the unattenuated
       mands on the permanent availability and reliability of such   lightning electromagnetic field and where the inter-
       systems.                                             nal systems may be subjected to the full or partial
       The protection of electrical and electronic systems in struc-  lightning current.
       tures against surges resulting from the lightning electro-  LPZ 0 is subdivided into:
       magnetic pulse (LEMP) is based on the principle of light-  LPZ 0 A    Zone where the threat is due to direct lightning
       ning protection zones (LPZ). According to this principle, the   strikes and the full lightning electromagnetic field.
       structure to be protected must be divided into inner light-
       ning protection zones according to the risk level posed by   The internal systems may be subjected to the full
       the LEMP (Figure 7.1.1). This allows to adapt areas with   lightning current.
       different LEMP risk levels to the immunity level of the elec-  LPZ 0 B    Zone protected against direct lightning strikes but
       tronic system. With this flexible concept, suitable LPZs can be   where the threat is due to the full lightning elec-
       defined according to the number, type and sensitivity of the   tromagnetic field. The internal systems may be sub-
       electronic devices / systems ranging from small local zones   jected to partial lightning currents.

                                         LPZ 0 A

                                                    LPZ 0 B
                                                             LPZ 2

                                                     LPZ 2          LPZ 1
                                                                                     LPZ 0 B
                                                      LPZ 3

                                                  LPZ 2
                                    LPZ 1
                                                         LPZ 1
                                                MEB   LPZ 2

               Lightning equipotential bonding  Lightning protection zone   Equipotential bonding
               Lightning current arrester (type 1)  MEB  Main earthing busbar  Air-termination system
               Local equipotential bonding    Low-voltage supply system     Metal supply line
               Surge arrester (type 2/3)      Information technology system  Shielding

       Figure 7.1.1  Overall view of the lightning protection zone concept according to IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4)

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