Page 288 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 288

Lightning equipotential bonding for all conductive
        α° 80                                       systems entering the sewage plant
         70                                         In principle, all conductive systems entering the sewage plant
         60                                         must be integrated in the lightning equipotential bonding
         50                                         (Figure 9.4.4). This is achieved by directly connecting all met-
         40                                         al systems and indirectly connecting all live systems via surge
                                                    protective devices. Type 1 SPDs (power supply systems) and
         30                                         category D1 SPDs (information technology systems) must have
                         I    II       III     IV
         20                                         a discharge capacity of 10/350 μs test waveform. Lightning
         10                                         equipotential bonding should be established as close as possi-
          0                                         ble to the entrance point into the structure to prevent lightning
            0 2   10   20    30   40    50    60    currents from entering the building.
                                            h [m]
       Figure 9.4.3  Protective angle method according to IEC 62305-3    Equipotential bonding
               (EN 62305-3)                         Consistent equipotential bonding according to IEC 60364-4-41
                                                    (HD 60364-4-41), IEC 60364-5-54 (HD 60364-5-54) and
       protection measures are defined to reach the necessary protec-  IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) is established in the entire opera-
       tion goal in all lightning protection zones. The following areas   tions building. The existing equipotential bonding system is
       were subdivided into lightning protection zone 1 (LPZ 1) and   tested to avoid potential differences between different ex-
       lightning protection zone 2 (LPZ 2):         traneous conductive parts. Supporting and structural parts
       ¨  Evaluation unit in the control room (LPZ 2)  of the building, pipes, containers, etc. are integrated in the
                                                    equipotential bonding system so that voltage differences
       ¨  Oxygen measurement device in the aeration tank (LPZ 1)  do not have to be expected, even in case of failure. If surge
       ¨  Interior of the control room (LPZ 1)      protective devices are used, the cross-section of the copper
       According to the lightning protection zone concept described   earthing conductor for equipotential bonding must be at least
       in IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4), all lines at the boundaries of   16 mm  in case of SPDs for power supply systems and at least
       lightning protection zones must be protected by suitable surge   6 mm  in case of SPDs for information technology systems (e.g.
       protection measures.                         BLITZDUCTOR) or the cross section specified in the installation
                                                    instructions must be used. Moreover, in areas with potentially
       Figure 9.4.2 exemplarily shows suitable surge protection   explosive atmospheres the connections of the equipotential
       measures for the oxygen measurement device in the aeration   bonding conductors e.g. at equipotential bonding bars must
       tank. The field cables are located in LPZ 0 B  throughout their   be secured against self-loosening (e.g. by means of spring
       entire course. Therefore, type 2 SPDs can be used for protecting   washers).
       the oxygen measurement device and the control systems since
       (partial) lightning currents are not to be expected in LPZ 0 B  .  Surge protection for the low-voltage power supply
       Lightning protection system                  In  the  described  application,  the  VGA  280/4  surge  protec-
       The existing lightning protection system of the operations   tive device installed at the entrance point into the building
       building was tested according to the requirements of class   is replaced by a DEHNventil M TNS 255 FM type 1 combined
       of LPS III. The indirect connection of the roof-mounted struc-  arrester (Figure 9.4.5) since the “old” SPD no longer fulfils
       tures (air-conditioning systems) via isolating spark gaps was   the requirements for lightning protection systems according to
       removed. Air-termination  rods  with  the  required  separation   IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3). The VM 280 type 2 SPDs were
       distances and protective angles were used to protect the sew-  tested by means of a PM 10 arrester test unit. Since the test
       age plant from a direct lightning strike (Figure 9.4.3). Conse-  values were still within the tolerances, the SPDs did not have
       quently, in case of a direct lightning strike to the control room,   to be removed. If further SPDs are installed for protecting ter-
       partial lightning currents can no longer flow into the structure   minal equipment, they must be coordinated with each other
       and cause damage. Due to the dimensions of the control room    and with the terminal equipment to be protected. The relevant
       (15 m x 12 m), the number of down conductors (4) did not   installation instructions must be observed.
       have to be changed. The local earth-termination system of the
       operations building was tested at all measuring points and the   In other respects, the use of surge protective devices in the
       values were documented. Retrofitting was not required.   low-voltage consumer's installation does not differ from other

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