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This standard deals with the use of class I, II and III surge pro-  Part 10 includes requirements for the erection, extension,
          tective devices in low-voltage consumer’s installations for the   modi fication  and  operation  of  telecommunication  systems.
          protection against indirect contact.         Section 6.3 calls for surge protection measures.

          IEC 60364-5-54:2011 (HD 60364-5-54:2011)     EN 50310:2010
          Low-voltage electrical installations         Application of equipotential bonding and earthing in buildings
          Part 5-54: Selection and erection of electrical equipment –   with information technology equipment
          Earthing arrangements and protective conductors
          This standard includes provisions for the installation of earth-  IEC 61643-21:2000 (EN 61643-21:2001)
          termination systems and equipotential bonding measures.  Low voltage surge protective devices – Part 21: Surge protec-
                                                       tive devices connected to telecommunications and signalling
          IEC 60664-1:2007 (EN 60664-1:2007)           networks – Performance requirements and testing methods
          Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage sys-
          tems – Part 1: Principles, requirements and tests  IEC 61643-22:2004 (CLC/TS 61643-22:2006)
          This standard defines the minimum clearances, their selection   Surge protective  devices  connected to telecommunications
          and the rated impulse withstand voltages for overvoltage cat-  and signalling networks – Selection and application principles
          egories I to IV.
                                                       IEC 60728-11:2010 (EN 60728-11:2010)
          VDN guideline:2004 (German guideline)        Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and inter-
          Surge Protective Devices Type 1 – Guideline for the use of   active services – Part 11: Safety
          surge protective devices (SPDs) Type 1 in main power supply   Part 11 requires measures to protect against atmospheric dis-
          systems.                                     charges (earthing of the antenna support, equipotential bond-
          This  guideline  describes  the  use  and  installation  of  type  1   ing).
          surge protective devices upstream of the meter.
                                                       DIN VDE 0855-300:2008 (German standard)
                                                       Transmitting / receiving systems, safety requirements
          Special standards for PV systems
                                                       Section 12 of Part 300 describes lightning / surge protection
                                                       and earthing for antenna systems.
          IEC 60364-7-712:2002 (HD 60364-7-712:2005)
          Solar photovoltaic (PV) power supply systems
                                                       IEC 61663-1:1999 (EN 61663-1:1999)
                                                       Telecommunication lines – Part 1: Fibre optic installations
          CLC/TS 50539-12:2010                         This  standard describes  a method  for calculating  possible
          SPDs connected to photovoltaic installations   damage and for selecting adequate protection measures and
                                                       specifies the permissible frequency of damage. However, only
          Special standards for electronic systems such as   primary faults (interruption of operations) and no secondary
          television, radio, data systems (telecommunications   faults (damage to the cable sheath (hole formation)) are con-
          systems)                                     sidered.
          DIN VDE 0800-1:1989 (German standard)        IEC 61663-2:1999 (EN 61663-2:1999)
          General concepts requirements and tests for the safety of fa-  Telecommunication lines – Part 2: Lines using metallic conduc-
          cilities and apparatus                       tors
                                                       This standard must only be applied to the lightning protection
          DIN V VDE V 0800-2:2011 (German standard)    of telecommunication and signal lines with metal conductors
          Information technology – Part 2: Equipotential bonding and   which are located outside buildings (e.g. access networks of
          earthing                                     landline providers, lines between buildings).
          Part 2 summarises all earthing and equipotential bonding re-
          quirements for the operation of a telecommunications system.  Special installations

          DIN VDE 0800-10:1991 (German standard)       EN 1127-1:2011
          Transitional requirements on erection and operation of instal-  Explosion prevention and protection – Part 1: Basic concepts
          lations                                      and methodology

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