Page 33 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 33

Point of strike             Example             Type of damage      Type of loss

                                                                     D1               L1, L4  b
                  Structure                                          D2             L1, L2, L3, L4
                                                                     D3             L1 , L2, L4

                Near structure                                       D3             L1 , L2, L4

                                                                     D1               L1, L4  b
                Incoming line
                    S3                                               D2             L1, L2, L3, L4
                                                                     D3             L1 , L2, L4

               Near incoming line                                    D3             L1 , L2, L4

          a  For hospitals and other structures where failures of internal systems immediately endangers human life and structures with a risk of
          b  For agricultural properties (loss of animals)
          Table  Sources of damage, types of damage and types of loss depending on the point of strike

          These types of loss can arise as a result of different types   where
          of damage. The types of damage thus literally represent the   N x    is the number of dangerous events, i.e. the frequency
          “cause” in a causal relationship, the type of loss the “effect”   of lightning strikes causing damage in the area un-
          (Table The possible types of damage for one type of   der consideration (How many dangerous events occur
          loss can be manifold. It is therefore necessary to first define the   each year?);
          relevant types of loss for a structure before defining the types
          of damage to be determined.                  P x    is the probability of damage (What is the probability
                                                             that a dangerous event causes certain damage?);
                                                       L x    is the loss factor, i.e. the quantitative  evaluation of
          3.2.2  Fundamentals of risk analysis               damage (What are the effects, amount of loss, extent
          According to IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2), the risk R that light-  and consequences of a certain damage?).
          ning damage occurs is the sum of all risk components R x  rel-  Therefore, the function of a risk analysis is to determine the
          evant to the particular type of loss. The individual risk compo-  three parameters N x  , P x  and L x  for all relevant risk components
          nents R x  are derived from the following equation:  R x . A comparison of the risk R with a tolerable risk R T  provides
                                                       information on the requirements for and dimensioning of light-
                       R = N     P L
                        x     x   x   x                ning protection measures.

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