Page 28 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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3.1  Necessity of a lightning protection     For the following reasons: According to article 15, section 7
           system – Legal regulations               of the Bavarian building regulations (valid section at the time
                                                    of the court decision), structures where a lightning strike can
       The purpose of a lightning protection system is to protect   easily occur or can have serious consequences due to their
       buildings from direct lightning strikes and possible fire or from   location, type of construction or use must be equipped with
       the consequences of lightning currents (non-igniting flash).  permanently effective lightning protection systems. Thus, ef-
       If national regulations such as building regulations, special   fective protective devices are required in two cases. In the first
       regulations  or  special  directives  require  lightning  protection   case, the structures are particularly susceptible to lightning
       measures, they must be implemented.          strikes (e.g. due to their height or location); in the other case, a
       If these regulations do not specify a class of LPS, a lightning   lightning strike (e.g. due to the type of construction or use) can
                                                    have particularly serious consequences. The plaintiff´s build-
       protection system which meets the requirements of class of   ing falls under the latter category since it is used as a nursery
       LPS III according to IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) is recommended   school. A nursery school is a structure where a lightning strike
       as a minimum. In principle, a risk analysis, which is described   can have serious consequences due to its use. The fact that
       in the IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) standard (see chapter 3.2.1),   nursery schools are not expressly mentioned in the examples
       should be performed for an overall assessment.  of structures which are particularly at risk in the notes of the
                                                    Bavarian building regulations does not make any difference.
       In Germany, the                              The risk of serious consequences if lightning hits a nursery
       ¨  VdS  2010  guideline  “Risikoorientierter  Blitz-  und  Über-  school results from the fact that, during day time, a large num-
         spannungsschutz, Richtlinien zur Schadenverhütung”   ber of children under school age are present at the same time.
         [“Risk-oriented  lightning  and  surge  protection,  guideline   The fact that the rooms where the children spend their time are
         for damage prevention”]                    on the ground floor and that the children could escape through
                                                    several windows – as put forward by the plaintiff – is not deci-
       can be used to determine the class of LPS.   sive. In the event of fire, there is no guarantee that children of
                                                    this age will react sensibly and leave the building through the
       For example, the Bavarian building regulations (BayBO) state   windows, if necessary. In addition, the installation of sufficient
       that permanently effective lightning protection systems must   lightning protection equipment is not too much to expect of
       be installed when lightning can easily strike a structure or can   the operator of a nursery school. Article 36, section 6 of the
       have serious consequences due to:            Bavarian building regulations (valid section at the time of the
                                                    court decision) requires that, amongst other things, staircases
       ¨  Its location,
                                                    must have entrances to the basement which have self-closing
       ¨  Its type of construction or               doors which are, at least, fire-retardant. This requirement does
       ¨  Its use                                   not apply to residential buildings with up to two flats (arti-
       This means: A lightning protection system must be in-  cle 36, section 10 of the Bavarian building regulations (valid
       stalled even if only one of the requirements is met.  section at the time of the court decision)). The defendant only
                                                    made the demand when the plaintiff converted the building,
       A  lightning  strike  can  have  particularly  serious conse-  which was previously used as a residential building, into a
       quences for structures due to their location, type of construc-  nursery school in accordance with the authorised change of
       tion or use.                                 use. The exemption provision of article 36, section 10 of the
       A nursery school, for example, is a structure where a lightning   Bavarian building regulations (valid section at the time of the
       strike can have serious consequences due to its use.   court decision) cannot be applied to buildings which were built
       The interpretation of this statement is made clear in the fol-  as residential buildings with up to two flats, but which now
       lowing court judgement:                      (also)  serve  another  purpose  which  justifies  the  application
       Extract from the Bavarian Administrative Court, decision of     of the safety requirements in article 36, section 1 to 6 of the
       4 July 1984 – No. 2 B 84 A.624.              Bavarian building regulations (valid section at the time of the
       1.  A nursery school is subject to the requirement to install ef-  court decision). This is the case here.
         fective lightning protection systems.
                                                    Serious consequences (panic) can also arise when lightning
       2.  The legal requirements of the building regulations for at   hits places of public assembly, schools and hospitals. For
         least  fire-retardant  doors  when  designing  staircases  and   these reasons, it is necessary that all endangered structures
         exits also apply to a residential building which houses a   are equipped with permanently effective lightning protection
         nursery school.                            systems.

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