Page 32 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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This standard is a guideline on how to prevent explosions and   is often far greater than the physical damage to the hardware
       to protect against the effects of explosions by taking measures   of the installation affected.
       during the design and installation of devices, protection sys-  The aim of a risk analysis is to objectify and quantify the risk
       tems and components.                         to structures and their contents as a result of direct and indi-
       Section 5.7 and 6.4.8 require protection against the effects of   rect lightning strikes. This new way of thinking is embodied in
       a lightning strike if the installations are at risk.  the international standard IEC 62305-2:2006 or the European
                                                    standard EN 62305-2:2006 which has been revised in 2010.
       IEC 60079-14:2007 (EN 60079-14:2008)         The risk analysis presented in IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) en-
       Electrical installations design, selection and erection  sures that it is possible to draw up a lightning protection con-
       It is pointed out that the effects of lightning strikes must be   cept which is understood by all parties involved and which
       observed. The standard requires comprehensive equipotential   meets optimum technical and economic requirements, which
       bonding in all Ex zones.
                                                    means that the necessary protection can be ensured with as
                                                    little  expenditure  as  possible. A  detailed  description  of  the
       VDE series 65
       Elektrischer  Explosionsschutz  nach  DIN VDE  0165; VDE Ver-  protection measures resulting from the risk analysis can be
       lag  Berlin, Anhang  9:  PTB-Merkblatt  für  den  Blitzschutz  an   found in Part 3 and 4 of the IEC 62305 (EN 62305) standard
       eigensicheren Stromkreisen, die in Behälter mit brennbaren   series.
       Flüssigkeiten eingeführt sind [Electrical explosion protection
       according to DIN VDE 0165, Annex 9: PTB bulletin for protect-
       ing intrinsically safe circuits installed in tanks with flammable   3.2.1  Sources of damage, types of damage
       liquids against lightning strikes]                 and types of loss
                                                    The actual sources of damage are lightning strikes that are
                                                    subdivided into four groups depending on the point of strike
       In Germany, standards can be obtained from:
       VDE VERLAG GMBH    or:  Beuth-Verlag GmbH    S1    Direct lightning strike to a structure;
       Bismarckstr. 33       Burggrafenstr. 6       S2    Lightning strike near a structure;
       10625 Berlin          10787 Berlin
       Germany              Germany                 S3    Direct lightning strike to an incoming line;
       Phone: +49 30 34 80 01-0     Phone: +49 30 2601-0
       Fax: +49 30 341 70 93     Fax: +49 30 2601-1260  S4   Lightning strike near an incoming line.
       eMail: [email protected]     Internet: www.  These sources of damage may result in different  types of
                                                    damage which cause the loss. The standard specifies three
                                                    types of damage:
       3.2  Explanatory notes on the                D1    Injury to living beings by electric shock as a result of
                                                          touch and step voltage;
           IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) standard:
           Risk management                          D2    Fire, explosion, mechanical and chemical reactions
                                                          as a result of the physical effects of the lightning dis-
       Risk management with foresight includes calculating the risks   charge;
       for a company. It provides the basis for taking decisions on   D3   Failure of electrical and electronic systems as a result
       how to limit these risks and it makes clear which risks should   of surges.
       be covered by insurance. However, it should be borne in mind
       that  insurance  is  not  always  a  suitable  means  of  achieving
       certain aims (e.g. maintaining the ability to deliver). The prob-  Depending on the type of construction, use and substance
       abilities that certain risks will occur cannot be changed by in-  of the structure, the relevant loss can be very different.
       surance.                                     IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) specifies the following four types
       Manufacturing companies using extensive electronic installa-  of loss:
       tions or companies providing services (and nowadays this ap-  L1   Loss of human life (injury to or death of persons);
       plies to most companies) must also give special consideration   L2   Loss of service to the public;
       to the risk presented by lightning strikes. It must be observed
       that the damage caused by the non-availability of electronic   L3   Loss of cultural heritage;
       installations, production and services, and also the loss of data,   L4   Loss of economic value.

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