Page 37 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 37

For the collection area for lightning strikes near a line we have   In case of a direct lightning strike to the ground near an incom-
          (Figure                            ing line (S4):
                                                       P Z    Failure of electrical / electronic systems
                        A = 4000 L
                         I           L                 A detailed description of these probabilities of damage can
                                                       be found in Annex B of IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2). The prob-
          where L L  is the length of the line section. If the length of the   abilities of damage can be either selected from tables or they
          line section is unknown, a worst case value of L L  = 1000 m   result  from  a  combination  of  different  influencing  factors.
          should be assumed.
                                                       In this context, it must be observed that, as a general rule,
                                                       other deviating values are possible if they are based on de-
          If the line has more than one section, the values of N L  and   tailed examinations or assessments. In the following, a short
          N I  must be calculated for each relevant line section. The sec-  overview of the individual probabilities of damage is given.
          tions between the structure and the first node must be consi-  More detailed information can be found in IEC 62305-2
          dered (maximum distance from the structure must not exceed    (EN 62305-2).
          1000 m).
          If more than one line enters the structure on different paths,   Probabilities of damage in case of direct lightning
          each line must be calculated individually. However, if more than   strikes
          one line enters the structure on the same path, only the line with   The values of the probability of damage P A  that living beings
          the most unfavourable properties must be calculated, in other   are injured by electric shock due to touch and step voltage
          words the line with the maximum N L  and N I  values connected   caused by a direct lightning strike to the structure depend on
          to  the  internal  systems  with  the  lowest  insulation  strength   the type of lightning protection system and additional protec-
          (tele communication line opposite to power line, unshielded   tion measures:
          line opposite to shielded line, low-voltage power line oppo-
          site to high-voltage power line with high-voltage / low-voltage   P = P TA  P B
          transformer, etc.). If the collection areas of lines overlap, the
          overlapped areas should only be considered once.  P TA  describes the typical protection measures against touch
                                                       and step voltages (Table P B  depends on the class of
                                                       LPS as per IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) (Table
          3.2.4  Probabilities of damage               If more than one protection measure is taken, the value of P TA
          The parameter “probability of damage” defines the probability   is the product of the corresponding values. Moreover, it must
          that a dangerous event causes certain damage. The probability   be observed that the protection measures to reduce P A  are only
          of damage may have a maximum value of 1 (meaning that   effective in structures which are protected by a lightning pro-
          every dangerous event causes damage). There are the follow-  tection system (LPS) or which consist of a continuous metal or
          ing eight probabilities of damage:           reinforced concrete framework acting as a natural LPS provided
                                                       that equipotential bonding and earthing requirements as per
          In case of a direct lightning strike to a structure (S1):  IEC  62305-3  (EN  62305-3)  are  fulfilled.  Chapter  5  provides
          P A    Injury to living beings by electric shock  more detailed information on protection measures.
                                                       The probability of physical damage P B   (fire,  explosion,  me-
          P B    Physical damage (fire, explosion, mechanical and   chanical or chemical reactions inside or outside a structure as
               chemical reactions)                     a result of a direct lightning strike) can be selected from Table
          P C    Failure of electrical / electronic systems
                                                       The probability P C  that a direct lightning strike to a structure
          In case of a lightning strike to the ground near a structure   will cause failure of internal systems depends on the coordi-
          (S2):                                        nated SPDs installed:
          P M    Failure of electrical / electronic systems
                                                                     P = P      C
                                                                      C     SPD   LD
          In case of a direct lightning strike to an incoming line (S3):
                                                       P SPD  depends  on the  coordinated  SPD  system according  to
          P U    Injury to living beings by electric shock
                                                       IEC  62305-4  (EN  62305-4)  and  on  the  lightning  protection
          P V    Physical damage (fire, explosion, mechanical and   level (LPL) for which the SPDs are dimensioned. The values
               chemical reactions)                     of P SPD  are given in Table A coordinated SPD sys-
          P W    Failure of electrical / electronic systems   tem only reduces P C  if the structure is protected by an LPS or

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