Page 386 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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Medium      Transceiver  Transmission Network expansion Node ¨ Node    Node supply
       Two-wire    TP/XF-78     78 kbit/s   1400 m bus / line                 Separately
       Two-wire    TP/XF-1250   1250 kbit/s  130 m bus / line                 Separately
                                            2700 m bus / line  J-Y(ST)Y 2x2x0.8
       Two-wire    FTT10-A      78 kbit/s                                     Separately
                                            500 m open structure  320 m open structure
                                            2200 m bus / line  J-Y(ST)Y 2x2x0.8
       Two-wire    LPT-10       78 kbit/s                                     Via bus cable
                                            500 m open structure  320 m open structure
       Table 9.20.1   Transceivers (most common transceivers are printed in bold) with their transmission rates and maximum network expansion

       The LonWorks technology allows to implement distributed   Transceivers) (LPTs are compatible with FTTs at the same
       automation systems. In this context, intelligent nodes com-  bus).
       municate via the LonTalkProtocol . The neuron chip (3120,   The transceivers in FTT / LPT networks have the core / core
       3150 and various enhancements), which accesses a transmis-  and core / earth capacitances shown in Table 9.20.2. If surge
       sion medium via a transceiver and features an I/O circuit for   protective devices are installed, their capacitances (core / core
       connecting, for example switches, relays, analogue outputs,   and core / earth) must also be considered since the maximum
       analogue value measurement systems, is the core of a node   number of transceivers to be used is reduced accordingly
       (Figure 9.20.1).                             (Table 9.20.3).

       Transmission media                           Surges caused by induction loops
       In addition to the two-wire connection described below, 230 V,     When routing the cables, it must be observed that no induc-
       optical fibre cable, coaxial cable, LAN and radio transmission   tion loops are formed. Therefore, the bus and low-voltage
       is possible.                                 cables leading to the bus devices must be routed in close

       Two-wire bus cable used as transmission medium                       Capacitance
       The transceivers for a two-wire bus cable (e.g. J-Y(ST)Y   Transceiver
       2x2x0.8) have different transmission rates (kbit/s) and a dif-  Core / core  Core / earth
       ferent maximum network expansion (cable length in metres)   FTT10-A  300 pF  10 max. 20 pF
       (Table 9.20.1).                               LPT-10         150 pF        10 pF
       Since the two-wire bus cable can be placed in free space, the
       devices in the LON building installation are mainly equipped   Table 9.20.2   Capacitances of transceivers in FTT / LPT networks
       with FFTs (Free Topology Transceivers) and LPT (Link Power
                                                     Surge pro-             Capacitance
                                                     tective device  Core / core  Core / earth

                                                     BXT ML2 BD S 48  700 pF      25 pF
                                                    Table 9.20.3   Capacitances of surge protective devices
              service  PSU
                                 I / O circuit                                         230 V
                neuron chip
                                 transceiver            node      induction loop  node
          transmission medium                                                           LON

       Figure 9.20.1  Structure of a LonWorks node with neuron chip,   Figure 9.20.2  Induction loop caused by two nodes
                transceiver and I/O circuit

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