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also be used for PoE (Power over Ethernet) applications, can
                                                    be installed. No matter if it is an ISDN or ADSL connection –
                                                    the data lines of devices which provide a connection to the
                                                    outside world are also protected by the relevant surge protec-
                                            =       tive devices.
                                                    In case of power plants with central inverters, generator junc-
                                                    tion boxes with additional measuring sensors are installed in
                                                    the field. In case of power plants with string inverters (Figure
                                                    9.19.13), their integrated string monitoring system takes
                                                    over this task. In both cases, the measured values from the
            data line   d.c. or a.c.   monitoring generator   field are transmitted via data interfaces. The data lines from
                        cables    junction box
                                                    the service room are installed together with the power cables
                                                    (a.c. or d.c.). Due to the short line lengths of field bus sys-
       Figure 9.19.14   Basic principle of induction loops in PV power   tems, data cables are individually routed transversely to the
                                                    module racks. In case of a direct lightning strike, these trans-
                                                    verse connections also carry partial lightning currents which
       Surge protection measures for information    may damage the input circuits and cause flashover to power
       techno logy systems                          cables. Large induction loops are formed due to the interac-
       Data from the field as well as data acquired from remote main-  tion of power cables, metal module racks rows and data lines
       tenance by the plant operator and capacity measurements   (Figure 9.19.14). This is an ideal environment for transients
       and control by the grid operator are collected in operations   caused  by  lightning  discharges  which  can  be  injected  into
       buildings. To ensure that the service staff is able to specifically   these lines. Such voltage peaks are capable of exceeding the
       determine causes of failure via remote diagnostics and elimi-  insulation strength / dielectric strength of these systems which
       nate them on site, reliable data transfer must be ensured at   leads to surge damage. Therefore, SPDs must be installed in
       any time. The string and inverter monitoring system, weather   these monitoring generator junction boxes or in the decentral-
       data acquisition unit, anti-theft protection and external com-  ised string inverters to protect data transmission. Cable shields
       munication system are based on different physical interfaces.   must be connected to all connection points in line with the
       Wind and radiation sensors with analogue signal transmission   EN 50174-2 standard (section  This can also be
       can be protected by DEHNbox DBX. Thanks to its actiVsense   achieved by indirect shield earthing to prevent malfunction
       technology, DEHNbox DBX can be used for signal voltages   such as ripples and stray currents. BLITZDUCTOR XT, for exam-
       up to 180 V and automatically adapts the voltage protection   ple, can be used together with an EMC spring terminal of type
       level. BLITZDUCTOR XT is ideally suited to protect an RS 485   SAK BXT LR for indirect shield earthing.
       interface for communication between the inverters. DEHNgate
       BNC VC devices are used to protect CCTV systems with coaxial   Consistent lightning and surge protection for all systems al-
       video transmission which is used for anti-theft protection sys-  lows to considerably increase the performance ratio of these
       tems. If the sub-stations of large-scale PV power plants are   power plants. The service and maintenance time as well as re-
       interconnected via Ethernet, DEHNpatch M CAT6, which can   pair and spare part costs are reduced.

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