Page 381 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 381

Values for
                                         Values for voltage-limiting          voltage-switching or
               Class of LPS               or combined type 1 SPDs            combined type 1 SPDs
              and maximum                   (series connection)               (parallel connection)
             lightning current                                I 8/20
               (10/350 µs)             I 10/350                                      I 10/350
                              Per protective         Per protective         Per protective
                                path [kA]  I total  [kA]  path [kA]  I total  [kA]  path [kA]   I total  [kA]
             III and IV  100 kA    5         10          15         30          10         20
          Table 9.19.1   Minimum discharge capacity of voltage-limiting or combined type 1 SPDs and voltage-switching type 1 SPDs for free field
                   PV systems in case of LPL III; according to CENELEC CLC/TS 50539-12 (Table A.3)

          Special surge protective devices for the d.c. side
          of PV systems
          The typical U/I characteristic curves of photovoltaic current
          sources are very different from that of conventional d.c. sourc-
          es: They have a non-linear characteristic (Figure 9.19.8) and a         SCI   SCI
          different d.c. arc behaviour. This unique nature of photovoltaic
          current sources does not only affect the design and size of PV
          d.c. switches and PV fuses, but also requires that the surge
          protective devices are adapted to this unique nature and capa-
          ble of coping with PV d.c. follow currents. Supplement 5 of the
          German DIN EN 62305-3 standard and the CENELEC CLC/TS
          50539-12 standard require safe operation of surge protective
          devices on the d.c. side even in case of overload.  Figure 9.19.9  DEHNcombo YPV SCI type 1 + type 2 combined
          Supplement 5 of the German DIN EN 62305-3 standard in-  arrester with fault-resistant Y circuit and three-step
          cludes a more detailed assessment of the lightning current   d.c. switching device
          distribution (computer simulations) than Supplement 1 of the
          German DIN EN 62305-4 standard. To calculate the lightning
          current distribution, the down conductors of the lightning pro-  Original   1. Activation   2. Arc   3. Electrical
          tection system, possible earth connections of the PV array and   state  of the   extinction  isolation
          the d.c. lines must be considered. It is shown that the mag-  disconnector
          nitude and amplitude of the partial lightning currents flow-
          ing via the SPDs into the d.c. lines does not only depend on
          the number of down conductors, but is also influenced by the
          impedance of the SPDs. The impedance of the SPDs depends
          on the rated voltage of the SPDs, the SPD topology and the
          type of SPD (voltage-switching or voltage-limiting). The reduc-  SCI  SCI  SCI      SCI
          tion of the impulse form is characteristic of partial lightning
          currents flowing via SPDs on the d.c. side of the PV system.   Figure 9.19.10   Switching phases of the three-step d.c. switching
          When selecting adequate surge protective devices, both the   device integrated in DEHNcombo YPV SCI … (FM)
          maximum impulse current and the impulse load must be con-
          sidered. These correlations are described in Supplement 1 of   ered to ensure that the SPDs are capable of discharging the
          the German DIN EN 62305-4 standard.          impulse load of the lightning currents.
          To facilitate the selection of adequate arresters, Table 9.19.1   In addition to the tried and tested fault-resistant Y circuit,
          shows the required lightning impulse current carrying ca-  DEHNcombo YPV SCI … (FM) also features a three-step d.c.
          pability I imp  of type 1 SPDs depending on the type of SPD   switching device (Figure 9.19.9). This d.c. switching device
          (voltage-limiting varistor-based arrester or voltage-switching   consists of a combined disconnection and short-circuiting
          spark-gap-based arrester). The maximum impulse currents and   device with Thermo Dynamic Control. The fuse integrated in
          partial lightning currents of 10/350 µs wave form are consid-  the bypass path interrupts the current flow in case of a fault

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