Page 446 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 446

The main functions of gas pressure control and measurement   spread  power  supply  and  information  technology  systems
       systems are to monitor and calculate gas volumes, automati-  at lower costs. The IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4) standard de-
       cally operate the stations by means of volume and condition-  scribes measures for protecting electronic systems.
       oriented connection and disconnection of measurement and
       control systems as well as volume control and monitoring of   Risk analysis of the gas pressure control and
       the gas transport between the distribution network opera-  measurement system
       tors.                                        The protection of the structure and technical equipment
                                                    against the effects of a lightning strike and personal protec-
       Certain functional units that are connected to the power   tion must be taken into account right from the design stage.
       supply  system  are  subject  to  the  stipulations  of  section  3   For this reason, adequate protection goals are define togeth-
       of  the  German  Ordinance  on  Industrial  Safety  and  Health     er with the operator before performing a risk analysis.
       (BetrSichV). The operator must ensure compliance with these
       stipulations which apply to e.g. systems in potentially ex-  In our example, the protection goals would be:
       plosive atmospheres whose components are covered by the   ¨  Fire and explosion protection
       94/9/EC directive, e.g. the installation of devices complying
       with the requirements of the 94/9/EC directive, their installa-  ¨  Personal protection
       tion according to the state of the art, inspection and testing   ¨  Protection of the electronics of systems with high avail-
       prior to commissioning and recurrent testing by a competent   ability
       expert under the responsibility of the company.
       The German Technical Rules on Operational Safety (TRBS)   At first, the loss factors according to IEC 62305 (EN 62305),
       specify in greater detail the fundamental requirements of the   the required availability and the risk are determined. This
       German BetrSichV to be observed in this context. The Ger-  leads to the following loss factors:
       man DVGW Code of Practise G 491 describes the require-
       ments for electrical and non-electrical explosion protection
       of gas pressure control and measurement systems, referring
       to the existing TRBS as a source of information.
                                                             air-termination system   r = 30 m
       Risk analysis – Determination of the current state    + HVI Conductor
       The current state of the system must be determined in a site
       survey. To this end, the structural conditions, existing docu-  stainless steel chimney
       ments and possible requirements of property insurers must          s
       be observed.                                   blowout

       A risk analysis is performed in cooperation with the operator
       to define the protection measures required to prevent the
       destructive effects of lightning strikes and surges. To this end,
       designers use approved regulations that allow to design a
       complete protection concept.                                                        EBB
       The IEC 62305 (EN 62305) standard is a reliable design basis
       for future-oriented lightning protection systems. This stand-               MEB
       ard is used to design, install, inspect and maintain lightning
       protection systems for structures.
       The risk of a lightning strike and the necessity of a lightning
       protection system for an object to be protected are determined   Components     P Part No. .
                                                                                        art No
       according to IEC 62305-1 (EN 62305-1) and IEC 62305-2
                                                         Roof conductor holder with angled brace
       (EN 62305-2).  Technically and economically optimal pro-  Roof conductor holder with angled brace   202 830
                                                                                       202 830
                                                         for HVI Conductor
       tection  measures  are  selected  depending  on  the  risk. The    for HVI Conductor
                                                         Wall-mounted conductor holder for HVI
       IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) and IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4)   W all-mounted conductor holder for    275 229
                                                                                       275 229
                                                         HVI Conductor
       standards describe how to implement the protection meas-  Conductor
       ures determined. Thus, the IEC 62305 (EN 62305) standard   Earthing busbar (2   x    472 109
                                                                                       472 109
                                                         Earthing busbar (2x2 terminals)2 terminals)
       is a solid basis for operators and designers. This standard
       makes it easier to take further protection measures for wide-  Figure 9.33.1  Isolated external lightning protection system for a
                                                              gable roof
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