Page 443 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 443

Surge protective device
                  Technical data               Transmitter TH02
                                                                            BXT ML4 BD Ex 24
                 Place of installation             zone 1                       zone 1
                 Degree of protection                ib                           ia
                      Voltage                 U i  max. = 29.4 V d.c.         U c  = 33 V d.c.
                      Current                   I i  max. = 130 mA            I N  = 500 mA
                     Frequency          f HART  = 2200 Hz, frequency modulated  f G  = 7.7 MHz
                                               according to NE 21,    discharge capacity of 20 kA (8/20 µs),
                   Immunity level
                                              e.g. 0.5 kV core / core  voltage protection level ≤ 52 V core / core
                     Tested to                    ATEX, CE               ATEX, CE, IEC 6143-21, IECEX
                  Unearthed 500 V                   yes                           yes
                                                  C i  =15 nF                negligibly small
                Internal capacitance C i
                                                  L i  = 220 µH              negligibly small
                 Internal capacitance L i
          Table 9.32.2   Example of a temperature transmitter

                            non-hazardous area         hazardous area measuring and control circuit Ex(i)

             transmitter  1)  BLITZDUCTOR XT      signal line     BLITZDUCTOR XT          sensor  1)  1)
                           1’             1                    1’             1
                 Tr              BD EX                               BD EX
                           2’             2                    2’             2
           1)  insulation strength ≥ 500 V a.c.
           Ensure consistent equipotential
           bonding and intermeshing

          Figure 9.32.7  Example of the shield treatment of intrinsically safe cables

          Coordination of surge protective devices with    requested from the manufacturer of the device. In case of a
          terminal equipment                           risk of lightning and surge effects, the conducted interference
          NAMUR recommendation NE 21 defines general interference   (voltage, current and energy) must be limited to a value within
          immunity requirements for process and laboratory equipment   the immunity level of the terminal equipment. The test levels
          (e.g. transmitter). The signal inputs of such equipment must   are documented on the surge protective devices (e.g. P1).
          withstand voltages of 0.5 kV between the cable cores (trans-
          verse voltage) and 1.0 kV between the cable core and earth   Intermeshed earth-termination system
          (longitudinal voltage). The measurement set-up and the wave   In the past, separate earth-termination systems were often
          form are described in the IEC 61000-4-5 (EN 61000-4-5) ba-  used in practice (lightning protection and protective earthing
          sic standard. Depending on the amplitude of the test impulse,   separated from the functional earthing). This turned out to be
          a specific immunity level is assigned to terminal equipment.   extremely unfavourable and can even be dangerous. In case of
          These immunity levels of terminal equipment are documented   a lightning strike, voltage differences up to some 100 kV can
          by test levels (1 – 4) while test level 1 is the lowest and test   occur which may lead to the destruction of electronic compo-
          level 4 the highest immunity level. The test level can be usually   nents, risks for persons and explosions in potentially explosive
          found in the documentation of the device to be protected or   atmospheres due to sparking.

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