Page 444 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 444

Therefore, it is advisable to install a separate earth-termination   for lines from LPZ 0 A  to LPZ 1 must have a lightning current
       system for every single building or part of an installation and   discharge capacity which is described by the 10/350 µs test
       to intermesh them. This intermeshing (Figure 9.32.6) reduces   wave form. Surge protective devices of different requirement
       potential differences between the buildings / parts of the in-  classes must be coordinated with one another. This is ensured
       stallation and thus conducted partial lightning currents. The   by DEHN surge arresters.
       closer the mesh of the earth-termination system, the lower the
       potential differences between the buildings / parts of the in-  Shield treatment in intrinsically safe measuring
       stallation in case of a lightning strike. Mesh sizes of 20 x 20 m    circuits
       (mesh sizes of 10 x 10 m are recommended in potentially ex-  The treatment of the cable shield is an important measure to
       plosive atmospheres and when using electronic systems) have   prevent electromagnetic interference. In this context, the ef-
       proven to be economically feasible. When selecting the earth-  fects of electromagnetic fields must be reduced to an accept-
       ing material, it must be ensured that the buried pipes do not   able level to prevent ignition. This is only possible if the shield
       corrode.                                     is earthed on both cable ends. Earthing the shield on both ends
                                                    is only permitted in hazardous areas if absolutely no potential
       Equipotential bonding                        differences are to be expected between the earthing points (in-
       Consistent equipotential bonding must be established in all po-  termeshed earth-termination system, mesh size of 10 x 10 m)
       tentially explosive atmospheres to prevent potential differen ces   and an insulated earthing conductor with a cross-section of
       between different and extraneous conductive parts. Building   at least 4 mm  (better 16 mm ) is installed in parallel to the
       columns and structural parts, pipes, containers, etc. must be in-  intrinsically safe cable, is connected to the cable shield at any
       tegrated in the equipotential bonding system so that a voltage   point and is insulated again. This parallel cable must be con-
       difference does not have to expected even under fault condi-  nected at the same equipotential bonding bar as the shield of
       tions. The connections of the equipotential bonding conductors   the intrinsically safe cable (Figure 9.32.6).
       must  be  secured  against  automatic  loosening. According  to
       IEC 60079-14 (EN 60079-14), supplementary equipoten-  Moreover, permanently and continuously connected reinforc-
       tial bonding is required which must be properly estab-  ing bars can be used as equipotential bonding conductor. These
       lished, installed and tested in line with the IEC 60364-4-41     are connected to the equipotential bonding bar on both ends.
       (HD 60364-4-41) and IEC 60364-5-54 (HD 60364-5-54) stand-
       ard. When using surge protective devices, the cross-section of   Summary
       the copper earthing conductor for equipotential bonding must   The risk of chemical and petrochemical plants due to a light-
       be at least 4 mm .                           ning discharge and the resulting electromagnetic interference
                                                    is described in the relevant standards. When using the light-
       Lightning equipotential bonding outside the    ning protection zone concept for designing and installing such
       hazardous area                               plants, the risks of sparking in case of a direct lightning strike
       The use of surge protective devices in low-voltage consum-  or discharge of conducted interference energies must be safely
       er’s installations and measuring and control systems outside   minimised with economically acceptable efforts.  The surge
       the hazardous area (e.g. control room) does not differ from   arresters used must fulfil explosion protection requirements,
       other applications (for more detailed information, please also   ensure coordination with terminal equipment and meet the
       see brochure DS 649 E “Red/Line Selection Guide”). In this   requirements resulting from the operating parameters of the
       context, it must be pointed out that surge protective devices   measuring and control circuits.

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