Page 42 - Arc Guard System - TVOC-2
P. 42


          5.4.3    Configuration                              View DIP switches
                                                              3.2 view DIP switches display information how the
          Configuration consists of three subcategories as follows:  configuration are made to the DIP switches. To see the
          •  view Modules.                                    view DIP switches do the following steps:
          •  view DIP switches.                               1.    From Start window, press Menu.
          •  Revision Information.                            2.    Select 3. Configuration, press OK.
                                                              3.    Select 3.2 view DIP Switch, press OK.
          View Modules

          view Modules displays which modules are connected
          to the Arc Monitor. To see the view Modules do the
          following steps:
                                                                                 3.2 View DIP
          1.   From Start window, press Menu.                              10  10  01  00

          2.   Select 3. Configuration, press OK.
                                                                           CSU 21 active
          3.   Select 3.1 view Modules, press OK.                         Back

                             3.1 View Modules                 Figure 52
                      HMI-int.    X3                          view DIP
                      HMI-ext.   CSU 21
                      X2         CSU 22                         The 3.2 view DIP menu displays:
                                                              •  3.2 view DIP.
                                                              •  DIP switches settings.

                                                1SFC170011M0201  •  Status line.
          Figure 51
            view modules
                                                              The figure below is an example which describes how to
          This figure shows the window, 3.1 view Modules, with the   read the DIP switches settings in HMI.
          modules connected to the Arc Monitor.

                                                                            3.2 View DIP
                                                                       10  10  01  00   10  10  01  00

                                                                        CSU 21 active
                                                                      Back              1 2 34 56 7 8

                                                                Figure 53
                                                              DIP switch settings in the HMI

                                                              The eight numbers reflect the 8 DIP switches.
                                                              The two first numbers 1 0, in line are the CSU-2
                                                              connections on the DIP switch.
                                                              Number 1 in number 10 shows that the setting is ON.
                                                              This example shows that the CSU-2 connection 21 is
                                                              connected. CSU-2 22 is not in use.
                                                              4.    Press arrow to scroll forward/backward, see all DIP
                                                              5.    Press Back to return to 3. Configuration.

                                                              6.    Press Back to return to Start window.
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