Page 46 - Arc Guard System - TVOC-2
P. 46


          6.1    Introduction                                       INFORMATION
                                                                    In order to prevent a shut-down of the whole
          The Arc Guard System™ requires maintenance once every     switchgear during the maintenance process,
          year. The yearly maintenance includes checking detectors,   replace the breakers which are connected to
          The Arc Monitor and the light from CSU-2 (option).
                                                                    the Arc Monitor with test breakers. This can be
          6.2    Maintenance                                        done by replacing the terminal to K4, K5, K6
                                                                    with the test breakers.

          6.2.1    Sensor supervision (E6-S                         Remember to replace the test breakers with
                   extension modules)                               terminal breaker K4, K5, K6 after testing!

          Check that the sensor supervision is working for each of   The maintenance procedure to check the detectors and
          the 10 detectors with the following steps:          Arc Monitor is the same as for a Start-Up of the system for
          1.   From start window, press menu.                 the first time.
          2.   Apply an error by removing the detector, the
               dummy plug or the lens.                              INFORMATION
                                                                    See: “4.3.2 Check” on page 35.
          3.   Check the HMI: When the error is applied the
               system error popup shall within 30 seconds be
               displayed on the HMI showing the bit for sensor   To check the light from Current Sensing Unit, CSU-2.
                                                              Perform a manual diagnostic via the HMI to check if the
               supervision error and by pressing page down the   light from CSU-2 is degenerating. This will show as a
               correct detector shall be marked with a zero (0) for   notification window in HMI with an Error code.
               faulty detector.

          6.2.2    Arc Monitor and Detectors                        INFORMATION
                                                                    How to perform a manual diagnostics,
          To check the detectors and the Arc Monitor, simulate an   See: “Perform Diagnostics” on page 40.
          arc by using a camera flash, repeat the following steps:
                                                                    See: “List of error codes” on page 51.
          1.   Set the camera flash to approximately 0.5 ms.
          2.   Place the camera flash at a distance between
               1.5–2 meters (60–80 inches) from the detector.

          3.   Make sure no object is standing in the way.
          4.   Point the camera flash towards the detector.
          5.   Press the flash test button.
          6.   Carry out the following steps to check the
               Arc Monitor.
               a.  Check the HMI display.

               b.  If the detector reacts correctly and causes a
                  trip then it should show on the HMI display as a
                  notification window.
               c.  The notification window shows, Trip has
                  occurred, which detector, which trip contact, at
                  what time and date.

               d.  The breaker that is connected to the Arc monitor
                  should trip, depending on the configuration.
               e.  At the notification window, if manual reset
                  is configured, press Reset. If auto reset is
                  configured, press Menu.
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