Page 43 - Arc Guard System - TVOC-2
P. 43


          Revision information                                5.4.4     Language
          Revision Information displays connected modules to the
          Arc Guard System™ and latest revision of each module.   If you understand the current menu language, follow the
          This includes, software, hardware, and ID number.   steps to set the language of the system menu:

          This information is required when contacting ABB    In the Main menu:
          for support.                                        1.    Select 4 Language, press OK.

          To view revision information about the module follow the   2.   Select the language to use, press OK.
          steps below:                                              INFORMATION
          1.   From Start window, press Menu.                       If you do not understand the menu language,
                                                                    use factory reset.
          2.   Select 3. Configuration, press OK.
          3.   Select 3.3 Revision information, press OK.     5.4.5     Set Time and Date
          4.   The 3.3 Revision information displays          Use this procedure to set the time and date in the system.
               connected modules.
                                                              In the Set Time menu do the steps below:
                                                              1.    Scroll to correct hour, press OK.
                                                              2.    Scroll to correct minutes, press OK.
                           3.3 Revision Information
                        3.3.1 Arc Monitor                     3.    Scroll to correct day, press OK.
                        3.3.2 HMI                             4.    Scroll to correct month, press OK.                05
                        3.3.3 Ext.Module
                      Back               OK                   5.    Scroll to correct year, press OK to return to Start

                                                              5.4.6     Factory reset
            Figure 54                                         Making the factory reset will force the HMI to start the
          Revision information                                Start-Up sequence.

                                                              Press and hold the 2 soft keys in the middle for more
          To view Revision Information.                       then 10 s.
          5.   Select chosen module, press OK.

          6.   The chosen module is displayed:

               • 3.3.1 Arc Monitor (in this case)                                    Arc Guard System  TVOC-2

               • The modules software revision                                                Com
               • The modules hardware revision                            Trip

               • The modules ID number

                             3.3.1 Arc Monitor                  Figure 56
                       SW 01.00.00                              Factory reset
                       HW xx      CPDLD xx.yy.zz
                       ID xxxxxx
                      Back                                    This will force the HMI to start the Start-Up sequence.

          Figure 55
          Arc monitor
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