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In practice, the requirements shown in Table apply to   roofs, it should be ensured that there is a flexible connection
          expansion pieces.                            by means of suitable components or other measures. If this
          When using expansion pieces, it must be observed that they   flexible connection is not made, there is a risk that the metal
          provide  flexible  length  compensation.  It  is  not  sufficient  to   capping of the roof parapet will be damaged by the tempera-
          bend the metal wires into an S shape since these manually   ture-related change in length.
          installed “expansion pieces” are not sufficiently flexible.  To compensate for the temperature-related changes in length
          When connecting air-termination  systems, for example  to   of the air-termination conductors, expansion pieces must be
          metal cappings of the roof parapet surrounding the edges of   used for length compensation (Figure

                        Steel (tZn)  Aluminium     Copper     StSt (V4A)   Titanium       Tin
             Steel (tZn)   yes          yes          no          yes          yes         yes
             Aluminium     yes          yes          no          yes          yes         yes
                Copper     no           no           yes         yes          no          yes
             StSt (V4A)    yes          yes          yes         yes          yes         yes
              Titanium     yes          yes          no          yes          yes         yes
                   Tin     yes          yes          yes         yes          yes         yes
          Table 5.4.1  Material combinations

                     Coefficient of linear expansion α                 ΔL
           Material            1   1                       Calculation formula: ΔL = α · L · ΔT
                               10 6  K              Assumed temperature change on the roof: ΔT = 100 K

                                                                6 1                     mm
          Steel                 11.5                   L = 11.5 10  1m 100K = 0.115cm  1.1
                                                                  K                      m
          Stainless                                             6 1                    mm
          steel                 16                      L = 16 10  K  1m 100K = 0.16cm  1.6  m

                                                                6 1                    mm
          Copper                17                      L = 17 10   1m 100K = 0.17cm  1.7
                                                                  K                     m
                                                                6 1                     mm
          Aluminium             23.5                   L = 23.5 10  1m 100K = 0.235cm  2.3
                                                                  K                      m
          Table  Calculation of the temperature-related change in length ΔL of metal wires for lightning protection systems

                        Surface under the fixing of the air-termination system or down conductor  Distance of
             Material     soft, e.g. flat roof with bitumen        hard,               expansion
                            or synthetic roof sheetings    e.g. pantiles or brickwork  pieces in m
                                      •                                                  ≈ 15
                                                                    •                    ≤ 20
          Stainless steel /           •                                                  ≈ 10
          Copper                                                    •                    ≤ 15
          Aluminium                   •                             •                    ≤ 10
          Use of expansion pieces, if no other length compensation is provided
          Table  Expansion pieces in lightning protection – Recommended application

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