Page 109 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 109

Use of HVI Conductors for installations with a risk of   ¨  Heating of discharge paths
          explosion                                    ¨  Uncontrolled  flashover  if  the  separation  distance  is  not
          Lightning strikes to or near structures and incoming supply   maintained
          lines can damage the structure itself or persons and equipment
          therein and can also affect and influence the immediate vicin-  ¨  Induced voltages in cables and lines
          ity. There is a particularly high risk when processing flamma-  ¨  Lightning strikes to lines entering potentially explosive at-
          ble substances such as gas, vapour, mist or dust which, when   mospheres
          mixed with air, can form an ignitable atmosphere and cause
          an explosion in combination with an ignition source. From a   If lightning protection systems are installed on or in a structure
          lightning protection point of view, more detailed information   for which potentially explosive atmospheres (zones) are de-
          is required on this topic to ensure proper installation of protec-  fined, they must meet the requirements of the relevant zones.
          tion systems.                                The division into zones which is required for this purpose is in-
          According to the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and   cluded in the explosion protection document according to the
          Health (BetrSichV), the operator must create an explosion pro-  German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health. In Ex sys-
          tection document where the potential risks resulting from the   tems with Ex zone 2 and 22, explosive atmospheres are only
          persistence and expansion of explosive atmospheres are as-  to be expected in rare and unpredictable cases. “Persistence of
          sessed and defined in an Ex zone plan. The following Ex zones   an ignitable explosive atmosphere” in these zones and a light-
          are distinguished:                           ning strike rarely occur at the same time. Therefore, intercep-
          Zone 0  Place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting   tion of lightning strikes (lightning strikes to the air-termination
                of a mixture of air and flammable substances in the   system) is permitted in these zones. Nevertheless, uncontrolled
                form of gas, vapour or mist is present continuously,   flashover resulting from the fact that the separation distance
                for long periods or frequently         is not maintained and heating of the discharge paths are not
          Zone 1  Place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting   acceptable / allowed in all Ex zones.
                of a mixture of air and flammable substances in the   Electrical isolation of the lightning protection system from con-
                form of gas, vapour or mist is likely to occur occa-  ductive parts of the building structure and insulation with re-
                sionally in normal operation           spect to the electrical lines in the building prevents flashover and
          Zone 2  Place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting   thus dangerous sparking in potentially explosive atmospheres.
                of a mixture of air and flammable substances in the   The HVI Conductor allows to maintain the separation distance
                form of gas, vapour or mist is not likely to occur in   and prevents impermissible heating of the discharge paths.
                normal operation but, if it does occur, will persist for   In the high-voltage-resistant, insulated down conductor, the
                a short period only                    lightning current is directly conducted to the earth-termination
          Zone 20  Place in which an explosive atmosphere, in the form   system without causing flashover. The HVI Conductor can be
                of a cloud of combustible dust in air, is present con-  directly installed next to metal parts of the building structure
                tinuously, for long periods or frequently  or electrotechnical systems (Figure
          Zone21  Place in which an explosive atmosphere, in the form
                of a cloud of combustible dust in air, is likely to occur
                in normal operation occasionally
          Zone 22  Place in which an explosive atmosphere, in the form
                of a cloud of combustible dust in air, is not likely to
                occur in normal operation but, if it does occur, will
                persist for a short period only

          The division of the relevant structure into Ex zones allows to
          identify possible ignition sources. In EN 1127-1 or the Ger-
          man TRBS 2152-3, lightning is defined as ignition source in
          an explosive atmosphere. If lightning strikes an explosive at-
          mosphere, it is ignited. High currents flow away from the point
          of strike and may generate sparks along the discharge path.
          Lightning-related ignition sources are, for example:
                                                       Figure  HVI Conductor installed on a gas pressure control
          ¨  Melting at the point of strike                       and measurement system

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