Page 110 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 110

70 mm
                                       200 mm
          ≤ 1000 mm              Ø = 20 mm             ≤ 500 mm               Ø = 20 mm

                                Conductor holder                             Conductor holder
                                for HVI Conductors –                         for HVI Conductors –
                                HVI Ex W200 holder,                          HVI Ex W70 holder,
                                Part No. 275 441                             Part No. 275 440
                                (distance of 200 mm)                         (distance of 70 mm)

       Figure  Version for use in hazardous areas 1, metal façade  Figure  Version for use in hazardous areas 2, metal façade

       If  lightning  currents  flow  through  the  HVI  Conductor,  a  po-
       tential arises at the outer semiconductive sheath due to the
       low-power capacitive displacement current at remote earthing
       points. The shorter the distance between the special conductor
       holders (functional equipotential bonding) and the semicon-
       ductive sheath, the lower is this potential. If these installation
       instructions are observed when installing the HVI Conductor in
       Ex zones 1 and 2 or 21 and 22, discharge (sparking) is prevent-
       ed when lightning current flows through the HVI Conductor.
       However, the effects of the lightning electromagnetic impulse
       are not reduced. Two examples of how to install HVI Conduc-
       tors can be found in Figures and
                                                    Figure  Protection of a biogas fermenter by means of a
                                                               HVI Conductor
       Use of HVI Conductors for biogas plants
       When planning lightning protection measures for a biogas
       plant, an integrated lightning protection concept must be cre-  ditionally connected to the equipotential bonding system at a
       ated. In this context, particularly the protection of fermenters,   distance ≤ 1000 mm. More detailed information can be found
       post-fermenters and fermentation tanks, which typically form   in the relevant installation instructions.
       round containers with a large diameter, poses a challenge. A
       dome (membrane) made of rubber-like material is mostly lo-
       cated on top of a fermenter. Due to the diameter and height of   5.3  Materials and minimum dimen-
       the fermenter with membrane, extremely high air-termination
       systems must be installed to protect the entire fermenter from   sions for air-termination and down
       direct lightning strikes. As an alternative to telescopic light-  conductors
       ning protection masts, which are installed next to a fermenter
       with an adequate foundation, air-termination masts with HVI   Table 5.3.1 gives the minimum cross-sectional area, configu-
       Conductors can be directly installed on the fermenter (Figure   ration and material of air-termination systems.  These  air-termination  masts  with  integrated  HVI   These requirements result from the ability of the materials to
       Conductor can be installed up to a free length ≤ 8.5 m.  electrically  conduct  the  lightning  current  (temperature  rise)
       The air-termination mast can be equipped with one or two HVI   and the mechanical stress when in use.
       Conductors. The number of conductors to be installed depends   When using a round wire with a diameter of 8 mm as an air-
       on the effective conductor length and separation distance.   termination tip, a maximum free height of 0.5 m is permitted. The
       Since the HVI Conductors may have to be installed in explosive   maximum free height of a round wire with a diameter of 10 mm
       areas, the outer sheath of the second conductor must be ad-  is 1 m.

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