Page 119 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 119

5.5  Earth-termination systems               an earth-termination system, in which no perceptible voltages
                                                       arising from the earthing current occur between two arbitrary
          A detailed description of the terms related to earth-termina-  points (Figure 5.5.1).
          tion systems can be found in IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) “Pro-
          tection against lightning – Physical damage to structures and   Earth electrode
          life hazard”, IEC 61936-1 (EN 61936-1) and EN 50522 “Power   is a conductive part or several conductive parts in electrical
          installations exceeding 1 kV” as well as IEC 60050-826 and     contact with earth which provide(s) an electrical connection
          IEC 60364-5-54 (HD 60364-5-54) “Erection of power instal-  with the earth (also foundation earth electrodes).
          lations with nominal voltages up to 1000 V”. In Germany,
          DIN 18014 must be additionally observed for foundation earth   Earth-termination system
          electrodes. In the following, only the terms are explained   all  conductively  interconnected  earth  electrodes  which  are
          which are required to understand this chapter.  physically separated or metal components acting as such (e.g.
                                                       reinforcements of concrete foundations, metal cable sheaths in
          Terms and definitions                        direct contact with earth).
          is the conductive ground and the part of the earth in electrical   Earthing conductor
          contact with an earth electrode whose electric potential is not   is a conductor which connects a system part to be earthed to
          necessarily zero. The term “earth” also describes both a place   an earth electrode and which is installed above the ground or
          and a material, e.g. humus, loam, sand, gravel and rock.  insulated in the ground.

          Reference earth                              Lightning protection earthing
          (neutral earth) is the part of the earth, especially the surface of   earthing of a lightning protection system to discharge light-
          the earth outside the area influenced by an earth electrode or   ning currents to earth.

                                                             U E   Earth potential
                                                             U B   Touch voltage
                                                             U B1   Touch voltage without potential control
                                                                (at the foundation earth electrode)
                                                             U B2   Touch voltage with potential control
                                                                (foundation and control earth electrode)
                                                             U S   Step voltage
                                                             ϕ   Earth surface potential
                                                             FE  Foundation earth electrode
                                                             CE   Control earth electrode  (ring earth electrode)

                                                    1 m

             ϕ                          U B2

                                             ϕ FE + CE
                        U B1      ϕ FE                                       U E
                                       U S

                                                                                  reference earth

          Figure 5.5.1  Earth surface potential and voltages in case of a current carrying foundation earth electrode FE and control earth electrode CE

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