Page 121 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 121

The curve in Figure 5.5.3 shows that the largest portion of
                                                       the total earth resistance occurs in the immediate vicinity of
                                                       the earth electrode. For example, at a distance of 5 m from the
                                                       centre of the sphere, 90 % of the total earth resistance R A  has
                                                       already been achieved.

                                                       Earth resistivity ρ E
                                                       The earth resistivity ρ E  , which is decisive for the magnitude of
                             equipotential lines       the earth resistance R A  of an earth electrode, depends on the
                                                       soil composition, moisture in the soil and the temperature. It
                                                       can fluctuate within wide limits.
            a)  Spherical earth electrode   b)  Spherical earth electrode   Values for various types of soil
              deep in the ground  close to the earth surface
                                                       Figure 5.5.4 shows the fluctuation ranges of the earth resis-
          Figure 5.5.2  Current flowing out of a spherical earth electrode  tivity ρ E  for various types of soil.
                                                       Seasonal fluctuations
          Figure 5.5.2b shows a sphere buried directly below the sur-
          face of the earth.                           Extensive measurements have shown that the earth resistiv-
          The concentric circles around the surface of the sphere represent   ity varies greatly depending on the burial depth of the earth
          a surface of equal voltage. The earth resistance R A  consists of   electrode. Owing to the negative temperature coefficient of
          partial resistances of individual sphere layers connected in se-  the ground (α = 0.02 to 0.004), the earth resistivity reaches a
          ries. The resistance of such a sphere layer is calculated as follows:  maximum in winter and a minimum in summer. It is therefore
                                                       advisable to convert the measured values obtained from earth
                                  l                    electrodes to the maximum prospective values since the per-
                         R =
                               E                       missible values must not be exceeded even under unfavour-
          where                                        able conditions (very low temperatures).
          ρ E     is the earth resistivity of the ground, assuming it is   The curve of the earth resistivity ρ E  as a function of the time
               homogeneous,                            of year (ground temperature) can be represented to a good
          l    is the thickness of an assumed sphere layer and   approximation by a sine curve which has its maximum in mid-
          q    is the centre surface of this sphere layer  February and its minimum in mid-August. Investigations have
                                                       also shown that, for earth electrodes buried not deeper than
          To illustrate this, we assume a metal sphere with a diameter of
          20 cm buried at a depth of 3 m in case of an earth resistivity
          of 200 Ωm.                                       160           R A  = 161 Ω
          If the increase in earth resistance is calculated for the different               approx.
          sphere layers, a curve as shown in Figure 5.5.3 as a function   140               90 %
          of the distance from the centre of the sphere is achieved.  Earth resistance R A  (Ω)  120
          The earth resistance R A  for the spherical earth electrode is cal-  100
          culated as follows:                               80
                                   1+   K                   60
                   R =     E           2t                   40
                     A    2   r       2
                               K                            20
          ρ E     Earth resistivity in Ωm                          1    2   3    4    5
          t    Burial depth in cm                                                    Distance x (m)
          r K     Radius of the spherical earth electrode in cm  Figure 5.5.3  Earth resistance R A  of a spherical earth electrode with
          This formula results in an earth resistance R A  = 161 Ω for the   20 cm, 3 m deep, at ρ E  = 200 Ωm as a function of the
          spherical earth electrode.                            distance x from the centre of the sphere

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