Page 124 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 124

R A    Earth resistance in Ω
       ρ E    Earth resistivity in Ωm                 Earth resistance R A  (Ω)
       l    Length of the earth rod in m
       r    Radius of the earth rod in m
       As an approximation, the earth resistance R A  can be calculated
       using the approximate formula given in Table 5.5.1:  80
                       R =     E
                         A    l                       60                  ρ E  = 500 Ωm
       Figure 5.5.10 shows the earth resistance R A  as a function of
       the rod length l and the earth resistivity ρ E  .
                                                                    ρ E  = 200 Ωm
       Combination of earth electrodes
       If several earth rods are installed next to one another (due
       to the soil conditions), the distance between the earth elec-  20
                                                          ρ E  = 100 Ωm
        Earth electrode                Auxiliary
                         formula                             2   4   6   8   10 12 14 16 18 20
                                                                       Drive-in depth l of the earth rod (m)
       Surface earth        2
       electrode (radial   R =  E        –          Figure 5.5.10  Earth resistance R A  of earth rods as a function of their
       earth electrode)       l
                                                              length I in case of different earth resistivities ρ E

       Earth rod        R =   l E        –
                                                    trodes should correspond at least to their drive-in depth. The
       Ring earth      R =  2  E    d = 1.13  2  A  individual earth rods must be interconnected.
       electrode         A   3 d
                                                    The earth resistances calculated using the formulas and the
       Meshed earth     R =   E     d = 1.13  2  A  measurement results in the diagrams apply to low-frequency
       electrode         A   2 d                    direct current and alternating current provided that the expan-
                                                    sion of the earth electrode is relatively small (a few hundred
       Earth plate     R =  4.5 a        –          metres). For greater lengths, e.g. in case of surface earth elec-
                                                    trodes, the alternating current also has an inductive compo-
       Hemispherical /        E                     However, the calculated earth resistances do not apply to
       foundation earth   R =  d    d = 1.57  3  V  lightning currents. In this case, the inductive component plays
       electrode                                    a role, which can lead to higher values of the conventional
       R A   Earth resistance (Ω)                   earthing impedance in case of a large expansion of the earth-
       ρ E   Earth resistivity (Ωm)                 termination system.
       l  Length of the earth electrode (m)         Increasing the length of the surface earth electrodes or earth
       d  Diameter of a ring earth electrode, the area of the equivalent    rods to more than 30 m only insignificantly reduces the con-
          circuit or a hemispherical earth electrode  ventional earthing impedance. It is therefore advisable to com-
       A  Area (m ) of the enclosed area of a ring or meshed earth    bine several short earth electrodes. In such cases, it must be
          electrode                                 observed that the actual total earth resistance is higher than
       a  Edge length (m) of a square earth plate. In case of rectangular    the value calculated from the individual resistances connected
          plates: a is substituted by  b c , where b and c are the two   in parallel due to the mutual interaction of the earth electrodes.
          sides of the rectangle
       V  Volume of a single foundation earth electrode  Radial earth electrodes
       Table 5.5.1  Formulas for calculating the earth resistance R A  for   Radial earth electrodes in the form of crossed surface earth
               different earth electrodes           electrodes are important when relatively low earth resistances

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