Page 120 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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Some types of earth electrodes and their classification accord-  Conventional earthing impedance
       ing to their location, shape and profile will be described below.  R st  is the resistance as lightning currents flow from one point
                                                    of an earth-termination system to reference earth.
       Classification according to the location
       of earth electrodes                          Voltages in case of current carrying earth-
       Surface earth electrode                      termination systems, potential control
       is an earth electrode that is generally driven into the earth   Earth potential
       at a depth up to 1 m. It can consist of round material or flat   U E  is the voltage occurring between an earth-termination sys-
       strips and can be designed as a radial, ring or meshed earth   tem and reference earth (Figure 5.5.1).
       electrode or a combination thereof.
                                                    Earth surface potential
       Earth rod                                    ϕ is the voltage between one point of the surface of the earth
       is an earth electrode that generally extends vertically into the   and reference earth (Figure 5.5.1).
       earth at great depths. It can consist of round material or mate-
       rial with another profile, for example.      Touch voltage
                                                    U B  is the part of the earth surface potential which can be
       Foundation earth electrode                   bridged by persons (Figure 5.5.1), the current path via the
       consists of one or several conductors embedded in concrete   human body running from hand to foot (horizontal distance
       which are in contact with earth over a large area.  from the touchable part of about 1 m) or from one hand to
                                                    the other.
       Control earth electrode
       is an earth electrode whose shape and arrangement serve   Step voltage
       more to control the potential than to maintain a certain earth   U S  is the part of the earth surface potential which can be
       resistance.                                  bridged by persons taking one step of 1 m, the current path via
                                                    the human body running from one foot to the other (Figure
       Ring earth electrode                         5.5.1).
       earth electrode that forms a closed ring around the structure
       underneath or on the surface of the earth.   Potential control
                                                    is the influence of earth electrodes on the earth potential, par-
       Natural earth electrode                      ticularly on the earth surface potential (Figure 5.5.1).
       is a metal part in contact with earth or with water either direct-
       ly or via concrete which is originally not intended for earthing   Equipotential bonding
       purposes, but which acts as an earth electrode (reinforcements   for lightning protection systems is the connection of metal in-
       of concrete foundations, pipes, etc.).       stallations and electrical systems to the lightning protection
                                                    system via conductors, lightning current arresters or isolating
                                                    spark gaps.
       Classification according to the shape and profile
       of earth electrodes                          Earth resistance / earth resistivity
       A distinction is made between strip earth electrodes, crossed
       earth electrodes and earth rods.             Earth resistance R A
                                                    The lightning current is not conducted to earth at one point via
                                                    the earth electrode, but rather energises a certain area around
       Types of resistance                          the earth electrode.
       Earth resistivity                            The shape of the earth electrode and type of installation must
       ρ E  is the electric resistivity of the earth. It is specified in Ωm   be chosen to ensure that the voltages influencing the surface
       and represents the resistance of an earth cube with 1 m long   of the earth (touch and step voltages) do not assume hazard-
       edges between two opposite sides of the cube.  ous values.
                                                    The earth resistance R A  of an earth electrode is best explained
       Earth resistance                             with the help of a metal sphere buried in the ground.
       R A  of an earth electrode is the resistance of the earth between   If the sphere is buried deep enough, the current discharges
       the earth electrode and reference earth. R A  is practically an   radially so that it is uniformly distributed over the surface of
       effective resistance.                        the sphere. Figure 5.5.2a illustrates this case; in comparison,

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