Page 215 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 215

standard impulse parameters and thus can be understood   The surge protective devices of the Yellow/Line family are con-
          from both a mathematical and a practical point of view.  sistently and safely coordinated with one another and with the
          The cascade according to Figure is considered to be   terminal devices. To this end, they are marked with the rel-
          coordinated if the residual values I p  in case of a short-circuited   evant SPD class symbol (Tables and, Figure
          output and U p  in case of an open-circuit output are smaller
          than the relevant input values I IN  / U IN  .
          However, these methods are difficult to implement for the user
          since they are very time-consuming. In order to save time and   7.9  Inspection and maintenance of the
          work, the standard also allows to use the information provided   LEMP protection measures system
          by the manufacturer for coordination.
                                                       The fundamentals and prerequisites governing the inspection
          A  discharge  capacity  of  10/350  μs  wave  form  is  typically   and maintenance of the LEMP protection measures system
          specified for lightning current arresters installed at LPZ 0/1 or   are the same as those governing the inspection and mainte-
          higher. For surge arresters, in contrast, only a 8/20 μs wave   nance of lightning protection systems as previously described
          form is specified. This is due to the fact that surge arresters are   in chapter 3.4.
          mainly developed for inductively and capacitively coupled in-  The inspections carried out during the construction phase are
                                                       particularly important for the inspection of the LEMP protec-
          terference. If, however, a line extending beyond the building is
          connected to a cascade comprising lightning current and surge   tion measures system since many components of the LEMP
                                                       protection measures system are no longer accessible when the
          arresters, the following can be concluded from the coordina-  construction work has been completed. The necessary meas-
          tion conditions:
                                                       ures (e.g. connection of the reinforcement) must be document-
          ¨  The most sensitive element (surge arrester) operates first  ed with photos and included in the test report.
          ¨  The surge arrester must also be capable of carrying a part
            of the partial lightning current of 10/350 μs wave form, al-  Inspections should be carried out:
            beit a low one                             ¨  During the installation of the LEMP protection measures
          ¨  Before the surge arrester is overloaded, the lightning cur-  system
            rent arrester must trip and take over the main portion of   ¨  After the installation of the LEMP protection measures sys-
            the discharge energy                         tem

                                            Exemplary assignment of SPD classes to LPZ transitions
          Conductor routing  Arrester solution
                                            To LPZ 1          To LPZ 2          To LPZ 3
                           Combined arresters

          From LPZ 0 A
                           Cascaded arresters
                           Combined arresters

          From LPZ 0 B     Surge arresters       or
                           Cascaded arresters
                           Combined arresters  –
          From LPZ 1
                           Surge arresters  –                      or
                           Combined arresters  –
                                            –                 –
          From LPZ 2
                           Surge arresters  –                 –
                                            –                 –
          Table  Assignment of the SPD classes to the LPZ transitions

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