Page 211 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 211

7.8  Coordination of the protection
               measures at different LPZ

          7.8.1  Power supply systems
          While surge protection in a device (or directly upstream of
          it) fulfils the function of protecting the device, the surge pro-
          tective devices in the surrounding installation have two func-
          tions. On the one hand, they protect the installation, and, on
          the other hand, they form the protective link between the
          threat parameters of the complete system and the immunity
          of the equipment and systems requiring protection. The threat
          parameters of the system and the immunity of the device to
          be protected are thus dimensioning factors for the protective
          cascade to be installed. To ensure that this protective cascade,   Figure  Three-pole DEHNbloc lightning current arrester
          beginning with the lightning current arrester and ending with
          the protection for terminal devices, works properly, it must
          be ensured that the individual surge protective devices are
          selectively effective, in other words each protection stage
          only takes on the amount of interference energy for which
          it is designed.  The coordination between the protection
          stages is explained in more detail in Annex J of IEC 61643-12
          (CLC/TS 61643-12). In order to achieve the described selectiv-
          ity as the surge protective device operates, the parameters of
          the individual arrester stages must be coordinated in such a
          way that if one protection stage is faced with the threat of
          an energy overload, the upstream more powerful arrester “re-
          sponds“ and thus discharges the interference energy. When
          implementing the coordination, it must be observed that the
          impulse wave form with the longest impulse duration must
          be assumed to be a threat for the entire arrester chain. The
          energy-coordinated Red/Line product family was developed
          to prevent the risks in case of incorrect coordination and the   Figure  Multipole DEHNguard M TT surge arrester
          resulting overload of protection stages with a lower energy.
          These surge protective devices which are coordinated both
          with one another and with the device to be protected pro-
          vide  maximum  safety. Available  as  lightning  current,  surge
          and combined arresters, they can be ideally adapted to the
          requirements of the relevant LPZ transitions (Figures
          Especially in case of type 1 arresters or combined arresters
          special attenion must be paid to the arrester technology used.

          Type 1 arresters must be capable of protecting the electrical
          installation from lightning currents of 10/350 µs wave form.
          The extremely long time to half value of 350 µs is characteristic
          of this impulse current. In the following, the different behav-
          iour of spark gaps and varistors in case of this load will be
          compared.                                    Figure  Modular DEHNventil M TNS combined arrester

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