Page 210 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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Figure  DEHNflex M surge protective device for final circuits  Figure  Multipole DEHNguard M TT surge arrester

                                                    7.7.3  Equipotential bonding for information
                                                          technology systems
                                                    LPZ 1 – LPZ 2 and higher
                                                    Further measures must be taken at the LPZ transitions in build-
                                                    ings to reduce the interference level (Figure Since
                                                    terminal devices are typically installed in LPZ 2 or higher, the
                                                    protection measures must ensure that the residual interference
                                                    level is below values the terminal devices can cope with. This
                                                    can be achieved by:
                                                    ¨  Installation of surge protective devices in the vicinity of
                                                       terminal devices
                                                    ¨  Integration of the cable shields in the equipotential bond-
                                                       ing system
                                                    ¨  Connection of the low-impedance equipotential bonding
                                                       system of the SPD for information technology systems with
                                                       the terminal device and SPD for power supply systems
                                                    ¨  Energy coordination of the upstream SPD with the SPD and
                                                       terminal device
                                                    ¨  Distance of at least 130 mm between the telecommunica-
       Figure  Protection of industrial electronic equipment    tion lines and gas discharge lamps
                (e.g. a PLC) by BLITZDUCTOR XT and SPS Protector
                                                    ¨  Distribution board and data distributor should be located
                                                       in different cabinets or form the infrastructural basis for the proper op-  ¨  Low-voltage and telecommunication lines must cross at an
       eration of a device or system (Figure Thus, different
       types of surge protective devices can be used at the LPZ transi-  angle of 90 °
       tions from LPZ 1 to LPZ 2 and higher.        ¨  Cable crossing along the shortest possible route

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