Page 221 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 221

IEC 60364-4-41 (HD 60364-4-41) describes protection meas-  ¨  Overcurrent protective device
          ures against indirect contact with protective conductors.   ¨  Residual current protective device
          These protection measures include automatic disconnec-  ¨  Insulation monitoring device
          tion or an alarm in the event of a fault. When implementing
          measures for “protection against electric shock under fault   ¨  Fault-voltage-operated protective device (in special
          conditions”, the protective device must be assigned accord-  cases)
          ing to the system configuration.
                                                       This results in the following assignments:
          According to IEC 60364-4-41 (HD 60364-4-41), a low-volt-  TN system
          age distribution system in its entirety, from the power source   ¨  Overcurrent protective device
          to the last piece of equipment, is typically characterised by:  ¨  Residual current protective device
          ¨  Earthing conditions of the power source (e.g. low-volt-
            age side of the distribution transformer) and  TT system
          ¨  Earthing conditions of the bodies of the equipment in   ¨  Overcurrent protective device
            electrical consumer´s installations        ¨  Residual current protective device
          Thus, there are three basic types of distribution systems:     ¨  Fault-voltage-operated protective device (in special
          TN system, TT system and IT system.            cases)

          The letters have the following meaning:      IT system
                                                       ¨  Overcurrent protective device
          The first  letter describes the earthing conditions of the
          supplying power source:                      ¨  Residual current protective device
                                                       ¨  Insulation monitoring device
          T    Direct earthing of one point of the power source
               (generally the neutral point of the transformer
               winding)                                These personal protection measures have top priority when
                                                       installing power supply systems. All other protection meas-
          I    Insulation of all live parts from earth or connection   ures such as lightning and surge protection for electrical
               of one point of the power source to earth via an   systems and installations are secondary to the protection
               impedance                               measures against indirect contact with protective conduc-
                                                       tors  under  consideration  of  the  system  configuration  and
          The second letter describes the earthing conditions of the   the protective device and must not make these measures
          bodies of the equipment of the electrical installation:  ineffective. In this context, an SPD fault, even it is most un-
          T    Body of the equipment is directly earthed regardless   likely, must also be taken into account. This is particularly
               of whether one point of the power supply is earthed  important because the surge protective devices are always
          N    Body of the electrical equipment is directly con-  used between the live conductors and the protective con-
               nected to the operational earth electrode (earthing   ductor.
               of the power source)
                                                       Therefore, the use of SPDs in different system configurations
          Further letters describe the arrangement of the neutral   will be described in the following sections. These circuit con-
          and protective conductor:                    cepts are taken from IEC 60364-5-53 (HD 60364-5-534).
          S    Neutral and protective conductor are laid separately   In  these  sample solutions, the  lightning  current  arresters
               from each other                         are shown in the vicinity of the service entrance box, i.e.
          C    Neutral and protective conductor are combined (in   upstream of the meter. IEC 60364-5-53 (HD 60364-5-534)
               one conductor)                          defines  that  lightning  current  arresters  must  be  installed
                                                       “close to the origin of the installation”.
          Thus, there are three possible TN systems:  TN-S system,   In Germany, the use of lightning current arresters upstream
          TN-C system and TN-C-S system.               of the meter is governed by the VDN (Association of German
                                                       Network Operators)  guideline  2004-08: “Überspannungs-
          The protective devices which can be installed in the various   Schutzeinrichtungen Typ 1. Richtlinie für den Einsatz von
          systems are:                                 Überspannungs- Schutzeinrichtungen (ÜSE)  Typ 1 (bisher

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