Page 261 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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                       BLITZDUCTOR  2’  1’                     1  2  BLITZDUCTOR  2’  1’
                       BXT ML2 BD   4’  protected  3’          3   4  BXT ML2 BD   4’  protected  3’
                       180                                          180
                                 U p                                          U p
              discharge current  L of the cable  U r      discharge current  L of the cable  U v  U r
                  R of the cable
                                                               R of the cable
                                                                 e.g. protective conductor connection
                                                                 of the power supply system

              L and R of the cable have no effect on U r  out of U r  = U p  L and R of the cable have little effect on U r  , if the connection
              U p   = voltage protection level            has a low impedance: U r  = U p  + U v
              U r   = residual voltage                    U v   = voltage drop; connection BXT > terminal device

          Figure  Correct installation         Figure  Most common installation

          8.2.5  Aspects to be observed for the        ¨  The equipotential bonding should be designed so as to
               installation of SPDs                      cause as little impedance as possible.
          The protective effect of an SPD for a device to be protected is   ¨  Installation of the SPD as close as possible to the terminal
          provided if a source of interference is reduced to a value below   device since this has a positive effect on the residual volt-
          the interference or destruction limit and above the maximum   age.
          continuous operating voltage of a device to be protected.   Installation examples
          Generally, the protective effect of an arrester is given by the   Example 1: Correct installation (Figure
          manufacturer in form of the voltage protection level U p  (see     The terminal device is only directly earthed via the earth con-
          IEC 61643-21 (EN 61643-21)). The effectiveness of a surge   nection point of the arrester. This means that the voltage pro-
          protective device, however, depends on additional parameters   tection level U p  of the SPD is actually available at the input of
          which  are  defined  by  the  installation.  During  the  discharge   the terminal device in the form of the residual voltage U r  . This
          process, the current flow through the installation (e.g. L and R   type of installation is the most favourable method for protect-
          of the equipotential bonding conductor) can cause a voltage   ing the terminal device.
          drop U L  + U R  which must be added to U p  and results in the
          residual voltage at the terminal device U r  :                U =U   p
                     U =U +U +U                        U L  + U R  have no effect.
                       r    p    L     R
          Optimal surge protection is ensured under the following condi-  Example 2: Most common installation
          tions:                                       (Figure
                                                       The terminal device is directly earthed via the earth connec-
          ¨  The maximum continuous operating voltage U c  of the SPD   tion point of the arrester and also via the protective conduc-
            should be slightly above the open-circuit voltage of the   tor connected. This means that a part of the discharge current,
                                                       depending on the impedance ratio, flows via the connection to
          ¨  The voltage protection level U p  of the SPD should be as   the terminal device. To prevent that the interference is injected
            low as possible since additional voltage drops through the   from the connecting equipotential bonding conductor to the
            installation have a lower effect.          protected cores and to keep the residual voltage low, this equi-

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