Page 256 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 256

IT cabling 100 Ω (Cat. 3, 5, 6, ...)
             Horizontal cabling
             –   Connecting cable between FD and TO
             –   Transmission performance up to
                250 MHz (Category 6)
             TO  Telecommunication outlet
             FD  Floor distributor                     TO     TO
             BD  Building distributor             TO                   FD
             Building backbone cabling
             –   Connecting cable between BD and FD                             external
                                                                       FD       system

                                                    FD                 FD

                                                    FD       BD         CD

                        optical fibre cabling (data)

                        copper cabling (telephone)
       Figure  Lightning interference on the IT cabling

       Optical fibre cables are typically used as data connection be-  The protective devices required for this purpose must be se-
       tween the campus and building distributor. This means that no   lected according to the network application. Common network
       surge arresters (SPDs) are required for the field side. If, how-  applications are:
       ever, the optical fibre cables have a metal rodent protection, it   ¨  Token ring
       must be integrated in the lightning protection system. The ac-
       tive optical fibre components for distributing the optical fibre   ¨  Ethernet 10 Base-T
       cables, however, are supplied with 230 V on the power side. In   ¨  Fast Ethernet 100 Base-TX
       this case, SPDs for power supply systems can be used.  ¨  Gigabit Ethernet 1000 Base-TX

       Nowadays, the building backbone cabling (between the build-
       ing  distributor  and  the  floor  distributor)  almost  exclusively   8.2.4  Intrinsically safe measuring circuits
       consists of optical fibre cables for the transmission of data.
       However, balanced copper cables (also referred to as master   Special explosion protection measures must be taken in all in-
       cables) are still used for voice transmission (telephone).  dustrial sectors where gas, vapour, mist or dust form a hazard-
       With a few exceptions, balanced copper cables are nowadays   ous explosive atmosphere with air during the processing or
       used for the horizontal cabling (floor distributor and terminal   transport of flammable substances.
                                                    Depending on the probability and duration of the presence of
       For cable lengths of about 500 m (building backbone cables)   an explosive atmosphere, the areas of an Ex system are divided
       or about 100 m (horizontal cables), direct lightning strikes to   into zones – also referred to as Ex zones.
       the building (Figure can induce high common-mode
       interference which would overload the insulation strength of a   Ex zones
       router and / or an ISDN card in the PC. In this case, protection   Ex zones with areas where hazardous explosive atmospheres
       measures must be taken both for the building / floor distributor   arise due to e.g. gases, vapours and mists are divided into
       (hub, switch, router) and the terminal equipment.  Ex zones 0 to 2 and those in which hazardous explosive at-

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