Page 258 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 258

non-hazardous area                hazardous area measuring and control circuit Ex(i)
                         1’             1                  1              1‘

             MT            BLITZDUCTOR XT      signal line   BLITZDUCTOR XT
                         2’             2                  2              2‘
         unearthed measuring transformer,
         insulation strength A → E: > 500 V a.c.,
         with Ex(i) input (max. L o  , C o )
                             L BXT            L line          L BXT                  L tr
                         1’             1                  1              1‘
             MT                     C BXT              C line         C BXT               C tr
                         2’             2                  2              2‘
                                              C                                C
        ≥ L BXT  + L line  + L BXT  + L tr        C o  ≥ C BXT  + C line  + C BXT  + C tr  + C

       Figure  Calculation of L 0  and C 0

       non-hazardous area (safe area) to separate these two differ-  Group II is valid for all fields of application, e.g. chemical in-
       ent areas.                                   dustry, coal and grain processing, with the exception of under-
       The maximum safety values of a safety barrier or a measur-  ground mining.
       ing transducer with Ex(i) output circuit are defined in the test   Group II C has the highest risk of explosion since this group
       certificates of an authorised test institute:  takes into account a mixture with the lowest ignition energy.
       ¨  Maximum output voltage U 0                The  certification  of  BLITZDUCTOR  for  explosion  group  II  C
                                                    means  that  it  fulfils  the  highest,  i.e.  most  sensitive  require-
       ¨  Maximum output current I 0
                                                    ments for a mixture of hydrogen in air.
       ¨  Maximum external inductance L 0
       ¨  Maximum external capacitance C 0          Classification into temperature classes
                                                    When an explosive atmosphere is ignited as a result of the hot
       The designer / installer must test in each individual case,   surface of a piece of equipment, a substance-specific minimum
       whether these permissible maximum values of connected   temperature is required to cause an explosion. This ignition
       equipment located in the intrinsically safe circuit (i.e. process   temperature characterises the ignition behaviour of the gases,
       field devices, conductors and SPD) are maintained. The corre-  vapours or dusts on a hot surface. For economic reasons, gases
       sponding values are printed on the rating plate of the relevant   and vapours are therefore classified into certain temperature
       equipment or can be found in the type examination certificate.  classes. Temperature class T6, for example, specifies that the
                                                    maximum surface temperature of the component must not
       Note                                         exceed 85 °C during operation or in the event of a fault and
       When using intrinsically safe SPDs from DEHN, the internal   that the ignition temperature of the gases and vapours must
       inductances and capacitances of the equipment are negligi-  be higher than 85 °C.
       bly small according to the EC type examination certificate.   With its T6 classification, BLITZDUCTOR XT also fulfils the high-
       Zero must be used here to calculate the maximum values of   est requirements in this aspect.
       L 0  and C 0 .                               In accordance with the ATEX / IECEx certificate of conformity,
                                                    the following electrical parameters must also be taken into
       Classification into explosion groups         consideration.
       Explosive gases, vapours and mists are classified according to
       the spark energy required to ignite the most explosive mixture   Selection criteria for SPDs – BLITZDUCTOR XT
       with air.                                    Based on the example of BLITZDUCTOR XT, BXT ML4 BD EX 24,
       Equipment is classified according to the gases with which it   the specific selection criteria for this component are explained
       can be used.                                 below (Figures

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