Page 259 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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            ATEX approvals:            1                 1´                          intrinsically safe
            KEMA 06ATEX0274 X:                                                         equipment
            II 2 (1) G Ex ia [ia Ga]   2                 2´
            IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb                                      1             1’
                                                         protected  2  BLITZDUCTOR XT  2’

            IECEx approvals:                                       3             3’
            DEK 11.0078X:              3                 3´        4             4’
            Ex ia [ia Ga]
            IIC T4, T5, T6 Gb          4                 4´

                                              circuit                     sample application
          Figure  Intrinsically safe BXT ML4 BD EX 24 arrester

          This component has an EC type examination certificate issued   functions. The device is thus suited for protecting sig-
          by KEMA (KEMA 06ATEX0274 X).                       nals from Ex zone 0. The equipment itself must not be
                                                             installed in Ex zone 0 (see Gb).
          This classification means:                   IIC   Explosion group – The SPD fulfils the requirements of
          KEMA  Symbol of the test institute                 explosion group IIC and may also be used with ignit-
          06   First certification of the device in 2006     able gases such as hydrogen or acetylene.
          ATEX  ATEX generation                        T4    Between –40 °C and +80 °C
          0274  Consecutive number of the test institute  T5    Between –40 °C and +75 °C
          X    “X” – Special conditions must be observed to ensure   T6    Between –40 °C and +60 °C
               safe use. These can be found in section 17 of the EC   Gb   EPL Gb - Device with a “high” level of protection for
               type examination certificate.                 explosive gas atmospheres which is not a source of ig-
                                                             nition during normal operation or in case of predicted
          The surge protective device is classified as follows:  faults / malfunctions.
          II 2(1) G Ex ia [ia Ga] IIC T4…T6 Gb
                                                       Other important electrical data:
          This classification means:
                                                       ¨  Maximum external inductance (L 0 ) and maximum external
          II   Equipment group – The SPD may be used in all fields   capacitance (C 0 ):
               with the exception of mining.              The special selection of components in BLITZDUCTOR XT
          2(1) G  Equipment category – The SPD may be installed in Ex   means that the values of the internal inductance and ca-
               zone 1 and also in installation circuits with conduc-  pacitance of the various individual components are negligi-
               tors coming from zone 0 (to protect terminal devices   bly small (L i  = 0; C i  = 0).
               in zone 0). Atmosphere: G = gas; D = dust.  ¨  Maximum input current (I i ):
          Ex   The  test  institute  certifies  that  this  electrical  equip-    The maximum current which may be supplied via the con-
               ment complies with the harmonised European stand-  nection components without eliminating intrinsic safety is
               ards  IEC  60079-0  (EN 60079-0):  General  provisions   500 mA.
               and IEC 60079-11:2011 (EN 60079-11:2012): Intrinsic   ¨  Maximum input voltage (U i ):
               safety “i”.
                                                         The maximum voltage which may be applied to BLITZ DUCTOR
          ia   Type of protection – The SPD can even handle a com-  XT without eliminating intrinsic safety is 30 V.
               bination of two arbitrary faults in an intrinsically safe
               circuit without causing ignition itself.  Unearthed Ex(i) circuits
          [ia Ga] Type of protection ia and EPL Ga – Device with a “very   The insulation between an intrinsically safe circuit and the
               high” level of protection for explosive gas atmos-  frame of the electrical equipment  or other parts which can
               pheres which is not a source of ignition during normal   be earthed must typically be able to withstand the root mean
               operation and in case of expected or rare faults / mal-  square value of an a.c. test voltage which is twice as high as

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