Page 264 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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It is recommended to install telecommunication lines in metal
       ducts  which are  electrically  connected and  completely  en-
       closed. The metal cable duct systems should be connected with
       low impedance to earth as frequently as possible, at least at
       the beginning and at the end (Figure

       8.2.6  Protection and availability of installa-
            tions thanks to maintenance strategies
       As with all electrical and electronic devices, the electronic com-
       ponents of surge protective devices for information technol-
       ogy systems are subject to ageing. Figure shows the
       “bath tub curve”.
       Therefore, the aim of a maintenance strategy for SPDs should
       be the timely identification of SPDs which could fail in the near   Figure  LifeCheck arrester testing by means of DRC LC M1+
       The main aim of lightning and surge protection measures is
       also to increase the availability of installations by timely main-  stored by removing the protection module from the base
       tenance and repair work. At the same time, the maintenance   part. Even if a signal line is active, the module can be quick-
       and repair costs should be reduced.             ly replaced without affecting the signal circuit. If the pro-
                                                       tection module is removed, the base part can only be used
       Corrective maintenance (failure-oriented)       as a maintenance-free feed-through terminal. Only if the
       The arrester protects the installation circuit  until it exceeds   module is plugged in, the signal circuit, which is not inter-
       its overload limit and fails completely. Only then, corrective   rupted when replacing the protection module, is protected.
       measures are taken to restore the signal availability. Three im-
       portant arrester features are important:     BLITZDUCTOR XT, which interrupts the signal flow in case of
       ¨  Fail-safe: The data signal is interrupted after the arrester   failure, comprises a base part and protection module and fea-
         has failed – The installation circuit or the system failed.   tures a make-before-break contact in the base part, ensures
         The  fail-safe  feature  ensures  that  the  installation  is  still   safe protection, easy maintenance and thus increased avail-
         protected against interference caused by partial lightning   ability of installations and systems.
         currents or surges.
       ¨  Pluggable arrester consisting of a protection module and a   Preventive maintenance
         base part: The two-part design of the arrester comprising   Supplement 3 of the German DIN EN 62305-3 standard (Table 1)
         a base part and a protection module allows easy module   describes maintenance tests and intervals for a lightning
         replacement without wiring effort.         protection  system.  It  is  difficult  to  visually  inspect  SPDs  for
       ¨  Make-before-break contact in the base part: If the arrester   information technology systems since the status of the ar-
         is overloaded, system availability is easily and quickly re-  rester is typically not visible. Therefore, the protection modules
                                                    are equipped with a LifeCheck monitoring system which de-
                                                    tects thermal or electrical stress on all arrester components.
                                                    If LifeCheck is activated by a pre-damaged arrester, this can
               high temperatures and voltages
         probability of a   component failure  reduce the service life of components  t  arrester test device (DRC LC M1+ or M3+) (Figure
                                                    be detected within the maintenance intervals by means of an
                                                    To prevent possible downtime due to subsequent surges, the
                                                    pre-damaged protection module should be replaced as soon

              early      random failures  wear-out   as possible.
             failures                    failures   Benefits of this type of SPD test:
                                                    ¨  Extremely easy and within a matter of seconds
       Figure  Ageing of electronic components – “Bath tub curve”  ¨  Protection module does not have to be removed

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