Page 260 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
P. 260

                                                                protected  protected 3’
                                                                          2’  4’
                                                                          BLITZDUCTOR  BXT ML4 BD   EX 24
                                                                          2  4
           voltage supply                                                 1  3        terminator
           U o  ≤ 17.5 V
           I o   ≤ 380 mA
                                                segment 1
                               3’   4’  EX 24  BXT ML4 BD   4  3
                                                segment 2
                               1’  2’  BLITZDUCTOR  2  1
           voltage supply
           U o  ≤ 17.5 V
           I o   ≤ 380 mA       protected                 3   4  1  2     4  3   1  2  terminator
                                                                          EX 24
                                                          EX 24
                                                                          BXT ML4 BD
                                                                                  field side
                                                          BXT ML4 BD
                       Field bus FISCO
                                                   protected  4’  2’  protected  protected  4’  2’  protected  U i   ≤ 17.5 V
         No. Surge protective device      Part No.         3’   1’        3’   1’  I i   ≤ 380 mA
                                                                                  P i   ≤ 5.32 W
             BLITZDUCTOR XT – BXT ML4 BD EX 24  920 381                           C i  ≤ 5 nF
                                                                                  L i   ≤ 10 mH
             BLITZDUCTOR XT – BXT ML2 BD S EX 24  920 280
       Figure  SPDs in intrinsically safe bus systems – Insulation strength > 500 V a.c.
       the voltage of the intrinsically safe circuit or 500 V, whichever   To prevent that the voltage drop of the interference current
       value is higher. Equipment with an insulation strength < 500 V   to  be  discharged  in  the  earth  connection  deteriorates  the
       a.c. is considered to be earthed.            voltage protection level, consistent equipotential bonding
       Intrinsically safe equipment (e.g. cables, measuring transduc-  must be established between the device to be protected and
       ers, sensors) generally has an insulating strength > 500 V a.c.   the SPD.
                                                    Earthing / Equipotential bonding
       Intrinsically safe circuits must be earthed if this is required for   Consistent equipotential bonding and intermeshing of the
       safety reasons. They may be earthed if this is required for func-  earth-termination system in the hazardous area of the instal-
       tional reasons. This earthing must be carried out at only one point   lation must be ensured. The cross-section of the earthing con-
       by connecting them with the equipotential bonding system. If   ductor between the SPD and the equipotential bonding system
       the d.c. sparkover voltage to earth of the SPD is < 500 V d.c.,     must be at least 4 mm  (copper). When using several SPDs, a
       the intrinsically safe circuit is considered to be earthed.  cross-section of 16 mm  (copper) is recommended.
       If the d.c. sparkover voltage of the SPD is > 500 V d.c., the
       intrinsically  safe  circuit  is  not  considered  to  be  earthed.    Installation of BLITZDUCTOR XT in Ex(i) circuits
       BLITZDUCTOR XT (BXT ML4 BD EX 24 or BXT ML2 BD S EX 24)   The normative requirements for Ex(i) circuits with regard to
       meets this requirement.                      explosion protection and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
       In order to coordinate the dielectric strength of the devices   correspond to different points of view, a situation which occa-
       to be protected (measuring transducer and sensor) with the   sionally causes consternation among designers and installers.
       voltage protection level of the SPD, it must be ensured that the   The most important selection criteria for intrinsic safety and
       insulation strength of the devices to be protected is consider-  EMC / surge  protection  in  installations  are  listed  in  chapter
       ably higher than the requirements for an a.c. test voltage of   9.32 to identify the interaction of the requirement profile in
       500 V a.c.                                   each case.

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