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if the structure consists of a continuous metal or reinforced   distribution). The same annexes can also be used for SPDs with
       concrete framework acting as a natural LPS provided that   higher probabilities of P SPD .
       the equipotential bonding and earthing requirements as per     The factor C LD  considers the shielding, earthing and insulation
       IEC 62305-3 (EN 62305-3) are observed. The values of P SPD  may   conditions of the line connected to the internal system. The
       be reduced if the selected SPDs have better protection charac-  values of C LD  are given in Table
       teristics (higher current carrying capability I N  , lower voltage
       protection level U P  , etc.) than required for lightning protection   Probabilities of damage in case of nearby lightning
       level I at the relevant places of installation (see Table A.3 of     strikes
       IEC 62305-1 (EN 62305-1) for information on the current car-  The probability P M  that a lightning strike near a structure will
       rying capabilities, Annex E of IEC 62305-1 (EN 62305-1) and   cause failure of internal systems in the structure depends on
       Annex D of IEC 62305-4 (EN 62305-4) for lightning current   the protection measures taken for the electrical and electronic

       Additional protection measures                                                     P TA
       No protection measures                                                              1
       Warning notices                                                                    10 -1
       Electrical insulation (e.g. at least 3 mm cross-linked polyethylene) of exposed parts (e.g. down conductors)  10 -2
       Effective potential control in the ground                                          10 -2
       Physical restrictions or building framework used as down conductor                  0
       Table  Values of probability P TA  that a lightning strike to a structure will cause electric shock to living beings due to dangerous touch
                and step voltages

       Properties of the structure                                 Class of LPS           P B
       Structure is not protected by an LPS                             –                  1
                                                                       IV                 0.2
                                                                       III                0.1
       Structure is protected by an LPS
                                                                        II                0.05
                                                                        I                 0.02
       Structure with an air-termination system conforming to class of LPS I and a continuous metal (or reinforced con-  0.01
       crete) framework acting as a natural down-conductor system
       Structure with a metal roof and an air-termination system, possibly including natural components, with complete
       protection of any roof installations against direct lightning strikes and a continuous metal (or reinforced concrete   0.001
       framework) acting as a natural down-conductor system
       Table  Probability of damage P B  describing the protection measures against physical damage

       LPL                                                                            P SPD
       No coordinated SPD system                                                        1
       III – IV                                                                        0.05
       II                                                                              0.02
       I                                                                               0.01
       Surge protective devices with better protection characteristics than required for LPL I
       (higher lightning current carrying capability, lower voltage protection level, etc.)  0.005 – 0.001
       Table  Probability of damage P SPD  describing the protection measure “coordinated surge protection” depending on the lightning
                protection level (LPL)

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