Page 344 - 35_DS702_E_2014_Lightning_Protection_Guide
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Due to their exposed location and height, wind turbines are   and depend on the manufacturer and type. The IEC 61400-24
       vulnerable  to  the  effects  of  direct  lightning  strikes.  Several   (EN 61400-24) standard provides important information in this
       studies have shown that at least 10 direct lightning strikes to   respect.
       wind turbines in the multimegawatt range have to be expected
       every year. The feed-in compensation must amortise the high   Lightning protection zone concept
       investment costs within a few years, meaning that downtime   The lightning protection zone concept is a structuring measure
       caused by lightning and surge damage and the resulting repair   for creating a defined EMC environment in an object. This de-
       costs must be avoided. For this reason, comprehensive light-  fined EMC environment depends on the immunity of the elec-
       ning and surge protection measures are required. When plan-  trical equipment used. The lightning protection zone concept
       ning  lightning  protection  measures,  not  only  cloud-to-earth   allows  to  reduce  conducted  and  field-bound interference at
       flashes, but also earth-to-cloud flashes, so-called upward lead-  the boundaries to defined values. For this reason, the object to
       ers, must be considered for objects at exposed locations with   be protected is subdivided into protection zones.
       a height of more than 60 m. The high electric charge of these   The rolling sphere method is used to determine LPZ 0 A  , namely
       upward leaders must be particularly observed for the protec-  the parts of a wind turbine which may be subjected to direct
       tion of the rotor blades and for the design of the lightning   lightning strikes, and LPZ 0 B  , namely the parts of a wind tur-
       current arresters.                           bine which are protected from direct lightning strikes by ex-
                                                    ternal air-termination systems or air-termination systems in-
       Standardisation                              tegrated in parts of a wind turbine (for example in the rotor
       The  IEC  61400-24  (EN  61400-24)  standard,  the  IEC  62305    blade). According to the IEC 61400-24 (EN 61400-24) stand-
       (EN 62305) standard series and the guidelines by Germanischer    ard, the rolling sphere method must not be used for the rotor
       Lloyd (e.g. GL 2010 IV – Part 1: Guideline for the certification   blade itself. For this reason, the design of the air-termination
       of wind turbines) form the basis for the protection concept.   system should be tested according to subsection 8.2.3 of the
                                                    IEC 61400-24 (EN 61400-24) standard. Figure 9.16.1 shows
       Protection measures                          a typical application of the rolling sphere method,  Figure
       The IEC 61400-24 (EN 61400-24) standard and GL 2010 guid-  9.16.4 the possible division of a wind turbine into different
       line recommend to protect all sub-components of the lightning   lightning protection zones. In this context, the division of a
       protection system of a wind turbine according to lightning pro-  wind turbine into lightning protection zones depends on the
       tection level (LPL) I unless a risk analysis demonstrates that a   design of the wind turbine. Therefore, the structure of the wind
       lower LPL is sufficient. A risk analysis may also reveal that dif-  turbine should be observed. However, it is decisive that the
       ferent sub-components have different LPLs. The IEC 61400-24   lightning parameters which are injected into LPZ 0 A  from the
       (EN 61400-24) standard recommends a comprehensive light-  outside are reduced by suitable shielding measures and surge
       ning protection concept.                     protective devices at all zone boundaries so that the electrical
       Lightning protection (LP) for a wind turbine consists of an exter-  and electronic devices and systems inside a wind turbine are
       nal lightning protection system (LPS) and surge protection meas-  not interfered with.
       ures (SPMs) for protecting electrical and electronic equipment.
       In order to plan protection measures, it is advisable to subdivide   Shielding measures
       the wind turbine into lightning protection zones (LPZs).  The nacelle should be designed as a closed metal shield. Thus,
       The lightning protection system of a wind turbine protects   a volume with an electromagnetic field that is considerably
       two sub-systems which can only be found in wind turbines,   lower than the field outside the wind turbine is generated in
       namely the rotor blades and the mechanical drive train. The    the nacelle. In accordance with IEC 61400-24 (EN 61400-24), a
       IEC 61400-24 (EN 61400-24) standard describes in detail how   tubular steel tower, which is frequently used for large wind tur-
       to protect these special parts of a wind turbine and how to   bines, can be regarded as an almost perfect Faraday cage for
       prove the effectiveness of the lightning protection measures.   electromagnetic shielding. In case of concrete hybrid towers,
       The standard recommends to verify the lightning current with-  the function of the galvanic cage must be ensured by reinforc-
       stand capability of these systems in high-current tests with   ing steel as well as earthing and electrical connection of the
       the first stroke and the long stroke, if possible, in a common   individual components. The switchgear and control cabinets in
       discharge.                                   the nacelle and, if any, in the operations building should also
       In the following, it will be described how to implement   be made of metal. The connecting cables should feature an
       lightning  and  surge protection  measures  for electrical  and   external shield that is capable of carrying lightning currents.
       electronic devices / systems of a wind turbine.  The complex   Shielded cables are only resistant to EMC interference if the
       problems concerning the protection of the rotor blades and   shields are connected to the equipotential bonding system on
       rotably mounted parts / bearings must be examined in detail   both ends. The shields must be contacted by means of fully

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